Chapter 11

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The first week of term vacation passed before Tin and Can met again. Tin's father felt his break time should be spent learning "business" so sent him to observe the management team at one of his subsidiary companies northwest of the city. He performed well; the leaders praised him so his father in a rare show of kindness, let Tin take the second week off. Can was excited when Tin called but already had plans with Ram that evening to attend a city fair. Tin didn't think the event sounded fun at all but his desire to see Can overrode his natural aversion to crowds. He shamelessly invited himself along and the other boy readily agreed.

Tin: Hey, want to see cool boy tonight?

King: Yes! Where?

Tin: City Fair. I'll pick you up at 6 pm

King: I can drive and meet you there.

Tin: No, let me drive.

King: Sure thing.

"Ok what's your plan?" King leaned forward and splashed his hands in the water pooled around the center fountain. He ignored the disgusted look thrown his way. Tin was a bit of a germaphobe – he'd never consider putting his hands in a water at a public fountain. Tin arranged the location to meet since it was centrally located near the both the City Fair and public parking lots. King cupped his hands, drew up some water and laughing, tossed it Tin's direction. His intent wasn't to hit his friend, just tease him a bit. Tin watched the water swoosh past and scrunched his eyebrows in a scowl.

"You jerk. I'm going to push you in the fountain if you try that again. I doubt Ram will think you're too cute soaking wet."

"He'll just have to lick me dry."

"Oi King, you are so shameless." Tin tried to maintain an irritated look but bust out laughing at his friends attempt to smile innocently in response.

"I like how you're more carefree and laugh easier now that you've met Can. Do you like him?"

"Yes. That's why I want to be with him alone tonight and hopefully drive him home. We can all eat dinner together, my treat. Then see if you can drag Ram one direction and I'll take Can the other. Then it will just make sense for Ram to give you a ride and I'll take Can home. Do you think that's workable?"

"Uh huh."

"And for your information, you've also changed now that you've met Ram. The way you flirt nowadays. I've never seen you be so obvious that you like someone. And you were never so dirty minded before."

"He just makes me want to do dirty things to him. Don't you feel that way about Can?"

Tin thoughtfully answered "It's more than that. He calms me, soothes my anxiety. He could really care less about who my family is or how much money we have. I feel if he is by my side, then whatever my family does to me is not as important. If I have a best friend and a boyfriend who support me 100% then I can handle anything they throw my way as I work my escape plan."

"But if you're still with Can when it's time, do you think he'll go with you?" King asked pulling a handkerchief out of his pants pocket to dry his hands.

"Hmm, I don't know. I hope so. But that's down the line and I can't worry about it now. I don't even know if he likes me. I will have to find out soon before I'm too far gone. I'm almost at the point now if I confess and he rejects me, I'll be devastated."

"You know what you need to do then." King nodded towards the fountain.

Tin eyed the fountain puzzled until he understood the others meaning. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin and faced the fountain, closed his eyes, lips slightly moving as he whispered his prayer. Tin flipped the coin towards the center of the fountain and left the rest to fate.

Can sniffed the air – his sensitive nose definitely smelled grilled pork and something fried making his mouth water. He hoped Tin would be generous that evening, he purposely ate a small lunch to make room for all the different yummy foods he wanted to try at the fair. His daydreaming was interrupted by a sharp jab in the ribs.

"What the hell Ram?"

"Look" Ram stopped walking and gestured in front of him, a bit of panic or excitement in the sharp jabbing of his finger.

"Oh it's King. I didn't know he was coming too, I swear. Do you want to leave?"

A firm head shake no.

The two approached Tin and King from the side and silently stood for a few moments listening to their laughter before Can cleared his throat to announce their arrival.

"Hi Can, how are you?" Tin moved closer to the shorter boy and made direct eye contact. King was less subdued and let out a loud "Cool boy!" as he leaned forward and gave a quick wave. Ram ignored his greeting.

"I'm hungry Tin. Can we go eat first? Please?" Can said whining.

"Is there anything you like more than food?"

"Hmm, maybe football. Nah, food's my favorite."

King piped up "I know something I like more than food" and pointedly looked towards Ram who blushed and turned his head to the side.

Can felt anger rise in his chest. It was one thing to show up uninvited but to also make passes and flirt when Ram obviously wasn't interested? First the whole sex ed come on and now he's tagging along making his friend uncomfortable? Hell no! He turned towards King and let loose: "Why are you here? I didn't invite you. Quit bullying my friend you sex starved pervert! Go find someone else to throw yourself at, Ram obviously doesn't like you!"

Kings flirtatious smile faded. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable. Possibly I misunderstood, Ram and I've spent time together and text one another so I thought he wouldn't mind me tagging along tonight. I'm sorry again, I will certainly leave if Ram wants me to."

Both Can and Tin spoke at once with loud surprised versions of "what, you two have spent time  together?"

Ram and King exchanged wordless glances and some sort of unspoken agreement passed between the two in a flit of a second. "Let's go to the flower and plant market. I want to find a Kangaroo Paw for my balcony." Ram nodded yes and allowed himself to be pulled away by King.

Can turned towards Tin and eyed him suspiciously. "Did you know those two were growing close?"

Tin shook his head no and asked in return "You?"

"No, dammit. I've been his best friend for years and he didn't tell me a fucking thing. What is going on?"

Tin stared with sympathy at the younger boys hurt expression. "We can't always know everything about another person no matter how close we are to them. Sometimes people have secrets. We just have to respect their privacy. Or wait until they trust us enough to share."

"No, not if that jerk friend of yours is up to no good. If King hurts him, I'm going to beat him up. You warn that asshole I might be little, but I will break his bones and return every so often to make sure they stay broken if he so much as makes my friend a little bit unhappy!"

Tin's cackling laughter in response to such an outrageous declaration was so loud a family standing nearby all turned to gawk with curious expressions on their faces. "Oh, really now baby, calm down. King is the best, kindest person I know. He would never mislead or mistreat your friend. And anyway, why is it your business what those two are up to? Shouldn't you worry about me instead? Aren't I the one here with you right now?"

Can scowled. "Hmph! If you even think about being a jerk to me, you can join your friend for the hospital room double occupancy discount since I will kick both your asses!" Tins loud laugher intensified and worse now, the eavesdropping family had joined in. "Oi" Can raged scratching his head in frustration, "no one ever takes me seriously!"

The mother of the family stopped laughing first and gently patted Can on the shoulder. "Young man, don't be so mean to your boyfriend. He obviously adores you. It's so sweet to see a kitten who thinks he's a lion."

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