Chapter 8

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Storms had moved in earlier that morning and the sky was dark with thick clouds. It alternated between light sprinkles of rain and heavy downpours. Can wasn't paying too much attention to the weather; he was more concerned with what was taking Tin so long. He didn't even make a show of walking – he stood still on the sidewalk near the back exit of the IC and waited for the older student. Very light rain started to fall but still he waited in place. Tin was over ten minutes late and Can bit his lip and shifted in place, eyes constantly searching.

CRAAACCKKKKK! A sharp bolt of lightning lit up the dark sky and sounded like someone snapped a whip. Rumbles of thunder followed and a curious Can looked up as he felt the rain come down harder. There was beauty in the bright flashes of lightening and the dark fast-moving clouds. Suddenly his view was blocked by a black object. Huh? Turning towards his left he saw that it was an umbrella blocking the view of the sky and it was being held by Tin!

"Stupid boy, let's go" Tin mumbled as he grabbed Can's left forearm and pulled him completely under the umbrella and turned to leave. Without thinking, Can shifted his arm slightly until their hands touched and he grasped tightly as they rushed to shelter under the extended eaves of the IC building. Can was a bit flustered as they waited for the rain to ease up so it took him a minute to realize he was still holding Tins hand. Oh shit! He let go immediately and searched for something to say to break the awkward silence.

"I don't have an umbrella" he offered as a conversation starter.

"Hmm, I know." Tin turned his body at an angle until his chest was barely touching the other boys shoulder.

Tin was so close that his sexy cologne tickled Cans nose and the boy longed to close his eyes and take deep breathes to draw in the scent. Maybe even rest his head on the older boys shoulder and listen to the rain fall. That would be so cozy..... Shaking the image out of his mind, he felt whatever it was that made Tin so angry when they last saw each other must have passed but he should make sure. "I didn't mean anything by asking about your friend. I don't like King."

"I know." The younger boys face was flushed and so lovely. Tin ached to tease him as payback for the earlier handholding so he leaned in until his lips were only a few inches away from Can's left ear and softly said "Who do you like?"

Panic! Oh fuck! Can scrambled for something to say that was totally a different subject. "I won't be coming this way anymore; I mean I don't need to come by the IC any more. At least for a while."

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" Tin demanded as he backed up a step. His mood turned from flirtatious to concerned in a split second.

"Well term finals are in two weeks and then we have school break. Football is suspended so I don't need to go to the athletic fields for the next month. I really don't need to walk this way after class especially since the bus stop is the other direction and if I miss the 3:40 bus the next one won't come until 5:30."

A sigh of relief passed Tin's lips. This was a totally solvable problem. In fact, solving it was so beneficial, he wanted to pounce on Can and kiss him thanks. "I will give you a ride home. You won't have to take the bus and can continue to walk this way in the afternoon."

"What? No, I don't need you to give me a ride home. Thank you, but no."

"Yes, I will take you home. Stop resisting." Tin gave a fierce look daring him to refuse again.

"Ok, but I won't need a ride every day."

"Hmmm, how will I know which days you need rides? Give me your phone. I will add my phone number and you can call or text and let me know when you need a ride."

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