Chapter 10

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Finals were over. Tin did well and ranked in the top 10 in his faculty. Thank God, his father would get off his back for a little so it was time to celebrate.

Tin: Exam results are published. How did you do?

Can: Ok, I passed all my exams

Tin: I plan to eat hot pot tonight.

Can: So?

Tin: I'll pick you up at 7 pm and we'll go together.

The sleek BMW arrived a few minutes before 7 pm. Can was pacing the front living room, constantly peeking through the curtains looking for the black car. He was nervous. The grumbling in his stomach was constant and he couldn't stand still. His mother and Lay were in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner. He had fibbed and said Ram was taking him out to eat to celebrate their exam results and he hoped to sneak out before they moved to the living room to watch tv.

Can dashed to the car as soon as he saw headlights stop at the gate, popped open the door and slide in with a loud "Hi." The car was warm and the air filled with Tins cologne. "It smells good in here."

"Hmm. You like my cologne?" There wasn't an immediate answer and both sat still and quiet looking at one another. There was just enough light from the overhead streetlamp to illuminate Tin's face and he slightly smiled and leaned in quite close to his passenger.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"Just buckling your seatbelt. Do I make you nervous?"

"Yes." Can realized his mistake when he heard Tin chuckle and tried to quickly correct himself. "No, I mean no."

The restaurant was crowded and a bit noisy which irritated Tin and a scowl crossed his face. He wanted to be somewhere quieter with the boy as they ate and talked. But Can's eyes lit up once they entered the restaurant so he quietly sighed and agreed to wait for a table. The restaurant wasn't even fancy, it was maybe average in decor but King said the food quality was good. Tin didn't eat in lower star restaurants so had to rely on his friend for a recommendation.

Shown to their table and after Tin had taken it upon himself to order food on behalf of both of them, he set out to learn more personal information about the boy. "Tell me about your family."

"I live with my mom and sister. My dad died when I was 12 but left enough life insurance so my mom could pay off the house. Otherwise, we would've had to move. She's a secretary for an accounting firm and good at managing the household money. But we still have to live reasonably. My sister is a junior in high school. We have a dog named Gucci. How about your family?"

"I live with my parents and older brother. My parents travel a lot for business or pleasure but are home enough to make my life miserable. My brother is the family heir, I'm just an unwanted afterthought. We have no pets but have lots and lots of money." There was no hint of a smile nor amusement with his remarks.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I hope I didn't upset you by asking?"

"No, nothing I've told you is a secret. Ask around, people will tell you lots of good or maybe I should say, bad, stories about me and my family. My father is not a nice man, he can be quite ruthless. And nothing I do pleases him."

"I didn't know. Is that why you're so unfriendly to everyone? Because your family is so horrible?" Pausing, a thoughtful look passed Can's face. "Tell me a secret noone knows about you."

Luckily the server arrived with the hot pot, meats, vegetables and sides before Tin had to answer and the question seemed forgotten as Can's eyes grew wide and his Adam apple bobbed as every food item was set on the table. "All this food is for us? I mean can I try all of it?"

"Yes, eat anything you want. I want you to be full when we leave."

"I'm going to be fat, dumb and happy when we're all done. You know what Tin, I don't care what others say about you, I think you're the best!" Can exclaimed happily, all excited about the food in front of him. The way to his heart was most definitely through his stomach. Busy dishing food onto his plate from the side dishes and trying to decide which meat should go into the hot pot first, he didn't realize the simple compliment he paid caused Tin to break out in a rare wide smile.

"You can take any leftovers home, ok so don't stuff yourself too much."

Can hesitated. He had written and erased the text multiple times unsure of exactly what to say. He didn't want to be too aggressive but then again, as someone somewhere said, fortune favors the bold. He recalled earlier at the end of dinner how he couldn't tear his eyes away from a mole on the left side of Tin's neck. It drew him in, tempted his fingers to reach out and touch and he would've if he was sitting closer. Can felt his desire rise and sighing, he read the text one last time and hit send.

Can: Thank you for dinner. When can we meet again?

Tin was lounging in his bed unable to sleep when the text interrupted his thoughts. First the earlier compliment and now the text? It was the tipping point and tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. Something so little made him so happy. Is this how people love one another? They do things to make the other person feel happy and valued? If so, then Tin allowed himself to imagine that's what Can was doing; giving him love.

Tin: Soon.

Can: goodnight, rest well

Tin: Goodnight 

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