Chapter 7

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The next time Tin saw Can by the IC, he initiated conversation first. "Hi Can, how are you"?

"Good. Can I ask you a question? Who was that guy eating with you at the IC cantina?"

"His names King. Why?"

"What faculty does he belong to?"

"Engineering." A puzzled expression as he considered where they younger boy was taking this conversation.

"Well is he, uhm, is he dating anyone?"

Tin narrowed his eyes. "Why are you asking these questions?"

Can stammered "Well, he's so good looking I figure he..."

"Hush!" Tin harshly cut Can off mid-sentence.

"But I need to know if he's available because...."

"Shut up"! Tin cut him off again. "Go to football practice. Right now!" his voice much louder than intended.

Confused by the outburst, Can rushed away rather than stand his ground and argue. Tins shoulders dropped and he stared at the ground. He was jealous and angry at himself for losing control. Does Can like King? Why else would he ask all these questions about King? Calm down, it's not the end of the world, you've been hurt worse than being rejected by a poor, slightly stupid nobody he told himself. A handful of nearby students tried to act like they didn't hear the conversation but once safely out of sight, they were on their phones text gossiping that Tin was already fighting with his new boyfriend.

The football players rolled their eyes, shook their heads in frustration and sighed heavily. Their practice was interrupted again by Can's loud whining about some guy who told him to shut up. Irritated, a Senior player offered to take up a collection and give the money to the guy who earlier had the courage to say what they were all thinking they wanted to say right now. Techno finally pulled Can aside and asked "what is going on? You are bothering the other players with all your whining."

The younger boys face was pitiful. His eyebrows scrunched and his lips pursed together. He looked close to crying, like a 3-year-old who had his favorite toy taken away. "My friend told me to shut up."

"I can't imagine why he'd do such a thing – you are such a quiet passive sort" Techno joked but Can did not smile in return. "Ok, what were you talking about before he told you to shut up?"

"I was asking about his friend. His name and his faculty. If he was dating anyone."

A raised eyebrow as he considered the junior player. "Why were you asking those questions? Are you interested in dating his friend?"

Can's eyes widened and he insisted loudly "No! I only asked because my other friend likes his friend!"

"And your other friend who might like your first friends' friend, is it a man or woman?"

"It's a man. In fact, it's my best friend!"

"Hmm, ok let me see if I have this straight. Did you tell your friend first that you think your best friend likes his friend or did you just start asking about his friend from the start without any back story?" Techno rubbed his forehead and sighed heavily. This shit is confusing. "I think I said that right."

The whining started up again. "I don't know. I don't remember. But why does it matter?"

The Co-Captain thought that it really was difficult to properly guide younger students. "Well think. If your friend likes you and you are asking about another boy, he might think you like his friend so he's jealous. If he doesn't like you but you are asking all these questions about his friend, he may feel you are using him just to get to know the other person so he's feeling disrespected. Does that make sense?"

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