Chapter 9

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How cute Ram thought for at least the fifth time that afternoon as he glanced at the two boys across from him. Boss was whining and Mek responded every time by giving the boy exactly what he wanted. Attention? Check! Study help? Check! Snacks from his backpack? Check! Ram had met the two through Can and while not close to either, he had eyes and was amused by their behavior. Mek should just confess already since it was so clear to see he was crazy in love. Ram needed to study for finals but between Mek and Boss' cute antics and Can's constant math questions, it was kind of a lost cause.

Slurp! Can finished his drink and tossed Ram a sad look. Ram understood the look to mean take me to dinner please when we're done studying and was about to shake his head yes when a voice interrupted their studying: "Hi Can." All four sets of eyes at the table turned towards the voice. It was Tin and next to him stood King.

Can rushed to answer. "Hi! What are you two doing here?"

"We just wanted to make sure you were studying well."

King cheerily added "Hi Ram, I'm King. How are you?"

Ram of course didn't reply, just stared blankly at the newcomer. Tin addressed Mek and Boss directly: "Who are you?"

Boss spoke up first. "I'm Boss and this is Mek. We're in the Communications Faculty with Can."

At the mention of Meks name, Tins face turned towards the quiet boy next to Boss and he studied him quickly. He was a tall handsome boy with slightly sad eyes who stared back curiously but did not speak. Ram noticed the direct challenging look Tin threw at Mek and how Mek responded back with slightly narrowed eyes but did not break the stare. What is going on? It seemed like Tin went from polite to freezing cold in a matter of seconds. Even Boss, who was pretty clueless most of the time about what was going on around him felt the tension in the air. He tapped Mek's arm and said "let's go, I forgot I need to get a book from the library." Mek agreed with a nod and only Boss and Can exchanged goodbyes as the two boys left the table.

Tin turned his attention back to Can. "How is studying going?"

"It's ok but I really don't like school. I only go so I can get a good job after graduation and help my mom out."

"You're a good boy. What do you want to do for a living after graduation?"

While Tin and Can were chatting, Ram ignored everyone and turned towards his study notes. King moved around the table until he was closer to Ram, leaned down and tried to catch the other boys attention. "Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?" No reply. "How about coffee instead?" Ram glanced up but stayed quiet. King decided a different approach was necessary since this guy seemed a bit weird. And he certainly didn't mind the work to get to know the quiet boy better. Nothing of any true value was easily achieved. "I understand quiet things; they respond well to me." He barely received a glance in return.

King sat down on the bench across from Ram and leaned back on the bench stroking his chin contemplating the younger student. Ram was so handsome. Dark hair swept off his forehead, pale skin, rounded yet still very masculine jawline and a strong nose. Kind chocolate brown eyes reflected his mixed background. The tattoo going up the side of his neck to under the ear was wicked sexy. The lines of Rams biceps were slightly visible through the thin cotton of his white shirt. Lean yet muscular. Oh my God, he's so hot! King's mouth watered.

"Can, I can help you study later this week if you'd like" Tin offered exchanging a knowing look with King who took the silent hint thrown his way and moved the conversation forward by addressing Ram: "Hey, I am first in my faculty. I can help you study for your term finals."

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