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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

Noelle offers me her hand and I gently take it. She leads me down the road and out of Mondstadt. I look over the bridge into the open world that my family always told me to never visit. With a deep breath, I step onto the bridge's stone structure, feeling a sense of freedom I haven't felt since my brother left me.

"Now, if there is any monsters on the way, please stay behind me. I don't want you to get hurt," Noelle says with a sweet smile, brushing a stray hair out of her face.

I smile back, hidden pain behind my eyes. Noelle gently escorts us over the bridge, sadly disturbing the many birds that peck at the ground. A little boy glares at us and all I can do is bow in an apology. He just huffs before heading towards the main gate.

I feel my face smile in desperation. Noelle just gently giggles and pats my shoulder lightly.

"Not to worry. It happens quite a lot. It's not your fault."

"Yeah... I guess."

Noelle regrabs my hand walks us down the path. She brings us to a fork in the road and points to the right. She smiles with her eyes closed and starts walking down the dirt path.

"We'll pass Springvale along our way and have to pass through the canyon. I heard that there's a lot of Hilichurl activity recently there, so please be careful."

"I will."

Noelle smiles again and leads the way, drawing her large claymore into her other hand.

"Can't be too careful, right?"

"I guess so."

My hand moves to the back pocket of my suit. I grasp in my hand the feeling of a warm summer breeze, my vision. I just wish I had a weapon I knew how to accompany it.



"I noticed that you're wearing... James's clothes. I didn't mention it earlier, but now that we're alone, could you tell me why?"

I look at her with wide eyes before blushing. I lean my head down, digging my toe into the dirt.


"Did you're parents say you could wear it?"

I shake my head.

Noelle gasps a little.

"Then who said you could?"


Noelle cocks her head to the side slightly, slowing her pace.

"Brother? How could-"

"Brother's spirit told me so. He l-lead me there. I think... he even unl-unl-unlocked the door for me to enter."

Noelle's eyes widen even further. After a bit, her expression softens and a rosy smiles presses on her pale face.

"You truly are a child of the wind. Lord Barbatos must really love you."

I notice a slight sadness in her voice. I can't help but embrace her in a tight hug. I snuggle my face into her neck and squeeze her strong body.

"You're blessed too. And, if the gods don't love you, I always will. I lo-lo-love you, Noe-Noelle."

A bright flush appears on her cheeks and she bashfully looks away. I giggle at her as she sputters a bit trying to get the right words out.

"I- You- Um-... I... I love you too, (Y/n)."

I smile happily as I hold out my hand for Noelle to grab. She shakily takes it and I begin to lead us towards the winery.

Fan art of our QUEEN

Fan art of our QUEEN

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Credit to Cupoi/吃咖喱的poi on ArtStation

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Credit to Cupoi/吃咖喱的poi on ArtStation

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