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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

Those doors are seared into the back of my eyelids, unable to look away from them even when I wish to close my eyes. My hand lifts to the side which Noelle takes in hers. With a deep breath, we begin our ascent towards the manour's front entrance.

Every step I take, it feels like the door is getting further away from me when suddenly it's only a few inches from my body. I take a two small steps back, giving myself some distance.

I look over to Noelle who has a her lips slightly pursed. She gives me a worried glance, unable to hide the fear in her.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Noelle asks in a small voice.

With a breath, I force a happy smile, showing me teeth.

"I'm okay."






"Thank you, Noelle."

I quickly wrap my arms around her, squeezing her tight. Noelle gives me a gentle, yet firm embrace in return. When we pull away, she holds my hands in hers.

"If you ever need anything, please, don't hesitate to call for me." A weak smile presses on her lush lips. Tears form in the corners of her eyes, knowing something is wrong.

I just smile brightly in return.

"Okay. I love you, Noelle."

"I-I... I love you too, (Y/n). Please, take care."

And like sand slipping through an hourglass, she lets go of my hands and begins to walk away. I wave to her once more, giving her a reassuring smile once more. I watch as she goes before she goes out of sight and around the corner. As soon as she disappears, I let my face fall.

With a quick turn, I face the doors, feeling a malice seeping from them. With a gulp and a deep breath, I raise a fist to the door. My hand hesitates, shaking at its paralyzed state.

"Just... do it..." I grunt out.

With force, I get myself to knock thrice upon the wooden doors, feeling the malice stick to my knuckles. I take another, bigger, step back, eyes averted to the ground.

In the distance, I can hear rapid footsteps coming towards the door. Several locks can be heard undoing themselves and a loud creaking of the door's unoiled hinges alerts my ears. I can see him, barely, but I still can. His head pokes out one of his doors, looking at me.

"You're later than I would have thought," he says with a hard tone.

"I'm... s-s-sorry."

"There's no need to apologize. Come in."

The door swings open wider. The feeling of evil consumes my body more fully. I take a nervous step forward. As soon as I enter the threshold of the doorway, my body fills heavy, like walking through a pool of tar. All movements are thick and slow, almost in slow-motion.

Diluc quickly closes the door, pressing his hand behind my back. He directs us up the stairs. A feeling of glass slides down my throat, nearly choking me to death. My knees shake as my body forces its way through the tar pool of iniquity.

Don't ask me to update.

You know who you are, you sack of turnips


You get crappy chapters like this when you ask me to update.

Never ask anything from me again.

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