Twenty Six

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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

Remember, Yanderes are NOT MEANT TO BE DESIREABLE

Diluc continues to hold my in his hands as the servants go prepare our meals to eat. I want to squirm away or even just fight back, but I just don't have the motivation anymore. What's the point in trying anymore? What's the point in doing all this when I'm not even competent enough to go against him?

"Please, don't cry. Crying only makes my heart ache more," Diluc says in a soft tone.

No matter how hard I try, the blood pushes the tears from my eyes out. I can't stop their flow and decent down my face. I can feel how tense my body is from the fact I'm shaking.

"I just... want to... go home!" I sob, forcing the words through clenched teeth.

"You are home. Your home is here, with me. So please, don't cry, don't cry."

"B-Brother," I softly whispers, so quiet that I could barely hear it myself. "Brother... Where are you?!"

Diluc takes his palm and cups the back of my skull. He entangles his fingers in my hair and brings them down, forcing them through the knots. I whine in pain, but he just hushes me with a soft kiss.

"Everything is going to be okay. I'm here, right?"

I can't help but just sob, trying my best to force myself to stop with no luck.

Diluc then scoops me up into his arms, my leg still chained to the ground. He holds me in a carry every so slightly and rocks my body with his in a gentle swing.

"Shh... There's no need to cry. I promise to take you back to Mondstadt City if you're a good girl, okay?"

Take me back to Mondstadt? Is he serious? Doesn't he realize that I'll just try to run or find someone to hide me?

"Why would you do-do that for me?" I say, trying to still my breath.

He pushes my face into his neck, causing me to slightly gag on his unruly curls. Diluc also presses his nose into the crook of my shoulder and takes a deep breath. He seems to enjoy smelling me, which is rather uncouth. I think it's what settles him down. I think I should take that into note.

"Because I love you," Diluc says into my ear, "and I want to show everyone just how much I do. I know you won't want to be cooped up all day in the house, so I'll let you walk with me. But don't get any ideas. I'll break your kneecaps if I have to in front of all of Mond."

A chill runs down my spine in an unpleasant manner.

"Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes... I-I do..."

"What a good girl," he sighs dreamily. "My very good girl."



"Y-You were gon-gon-gonna ta-lk to me about... my- my name?"

"Ah yes... I was..." Diluc pulls himself off of me and stares into my eyes.

I can't help but try and look away. I can't stand looking people in the eye. He cups my face again, forcing my gaze back to which I just scrunch my eyes shut.

"Oh... Please don't do this. Can't you look lovingly at me the way I do you?"

I shake my head. A sigh can be heard escaping his lips before pulling his hand away.

"Fine. Have it your way then. But to discuss the matter at hand. Yesterday, I signed some documents, with your father as a witness, that proclaims you and I as officially wed."

My eyes fly open and I look at Diluc with horror.


His eyes grow half-lidded and a improper smirk graces his thin lips.

"Oh, my love. Aren't you happy? Isn't this what you've wanted?! I'm so very very happy!~ My beautiful wife~ I was going to plan a wedding to make things seem more official to the people of Mondstadt, but just know we're already married."

"B-But! Where is- Where is my choi-choice in this matter?!"

"Hmm? Your choice? Sweet darling of mine~ We were already betrothed together, and most old fashioned marriages, the woman never got a choice in anything! You should be happy I'm letting you already have so much~ But, soon, I wish for us to become one with another."

"Wh- I h-hope you don't mean-"

"Consummate our marriage? But of course! It's only natural and proper. After all, it's our first marital duty with one another, right?~"

"D-Diluc- H-ow could you d-d-do this to me," I say, tears starting to breach the border once again.

"Oh, please don't cry. You should be happy! We should be happy..."

"Oh, Diluc..."

I can only sob, bringing my hands to my face and clawing at my cheeks.

"How could you do this? How could you do this? How could you do this?"

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