Twenty One

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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

The muffled voices from downstairs slowly fade and the sound of the door closing comes with a soft click. I sigh, unable to hold in this despair of isolation.

I've never been a smart person. I've always been an idiot with and empty skull. I know this; even my parents have said and told me this. I was only born to wed off to someone else and earn more income for my family. They were expecting to make much more profit after James...

Once James passed away... they started to harass and berate me like I did something wrong for existing in the first place. I never chose to be born, I never chose to be broken, I never chose any of this. All I want is to sleep. I want to sleep and never wake up.

I remember her words very clearly.

"I heard something from Mister Ragnvindr."

"W-Wh-What is it, Eula?"

"I heard that you're gonna marry Diluc."

"R-R-Rea-Really?" I stutter out.

My stutter was much worse when I was younger. I could barely get a sentence out. People would often make fun of me, laugh at me, mock me for something I can't control. I hate them.

"But then I heard something Diluc said."


"He whined about you. He asked why he had to marry you. He said he doesn't like you. He said he would rather marry someone not of noble birth," Eula says with a sad expression, brows furrowed with rage.

Though I may not have a lot of friends, Eula was always kind to me. She never lied to me like some of the other nobles did. She never lied to me like my mother and father did. Unlike others, she never spoke harshly to me. She would try to help with my speech impediment, taught me to dance, and even some forms of self defense. Eula was so kind to me. I wish I could see her again. She's so pretty. She's so kind. I love her. I really really love her.

"What...?" I ask, tears starting to spring from my eyes.

"That's what I heard. I'm sorry."

Eula then wrapped her arms around me and didn't let go for a very long time. She let me weep into her shoulder, staining her clean clothes with disgusting tears and mucus. She rubbed my back gently and snuggled me close to her chest.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry..."

Dripping onto my hands, I finally notice that I'm crying back at the memories I've spent with the few friends I had. I only really have four friends, this includes my entire life. Eula and Venti were my first, Noelle is my most recent and-

The sound of the something tapping against the glass window besides me draws my attention. I whip my head towards the window to see what could have made that noise. Body pressed against the glass's small ledge is a very familiar face.


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