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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

Honeys, I have a question for y'all

Why y'all complain about a certain character or say you want a different one when you're reading a AU/Out of Character YANDERE book that's directed at a certain character.


Jk, Love y'all, just curious

Venti walks the streets of Mondstadt, a slight pain piercing his skull from the hangover. I groan, holding his head.

"I might have overdone it just a bit," he mumbles.

He continues his way, walking towards the main entrance of Mondstadt, to look out upon Cider Lake. The cool breeze of a dying summer embraces his face, refreshing the old god. He takes a deep breath, breathing in the smell of leaves, water, and sweet nectar of many different flowers.

"Is this freedom? I truly don't know, even after all these years, I don't know a fraction of what true freedom is... In a way, I'm truly jealous of you, James."

The winds whip around the bard, filling his hair and cape with life. He sighs through his nose, looking down at the waters that flow underneath the long bridge.

"I wish you were still here."

"HEY! You scared away my pigeons!" a child's voice cries out.

Venti turns to see a stern face of Diluc marching across the bridge. Something slowly drips into the cracks of his mind.

Where is (Y/n)?

A slow, sinking feeling engulfs his body. He hasn't seen her all day. (Y/n) would usually be wandering around the shops to buy ingredients with the maids, or be dancing carelessly by the fountain for fun.

The bard's multi-hued eyes snap onto Diluc's approaching figure. He pushes himself off the wall of the bridge and attempts to get close to Diluc.

"Master Diluc-" Venti's boyish voice calls.

"Hm?" Diluc grunts, barely flicking his eyes over to the shorter man.

"I don't suppose that you might know where my sister is?"

"Hm," Diluc grunts out again, ignoring the god's question.

Diluc continues his way into Mondstadt and towards the shops. Venti follows along as quickly as he can.

"Hey!" he calls out.

"Stop following me."

"You haven't answered my questio-"

"I don't know where she is. Is she not at her home?" Diluc says bluntly, a fiery gaze burning though his pupils.

Although Venti is a god, Diluc's power still intimidates the youthful bard.


"Why don't you go and check."

Diluc then storms off, leaving Venti to his own devices. Venti just stands at the stairwell to Mondstadt's plaza, his mind slowing down to almost no movement.

"At home? But... But she..."

Venti clenches his fists before storming towards the (L/n) residence.

"She better be there, or I swear to celestia..."

Hiding in the shadows of the Germanic style buildings is a figure, listening carefully to their conversation. They pout their lips, placing a hand to their chin in thought. They ponder on the words before pushing themselves of the wall and emerging from the shadows. They adjust their clothing before leaving Mondstadt's protective walls.

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