Thirty Seven

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Why am I even alive?

Mature Themes

Not Intended for Younger Audiences

Soon enough, I find myself waking up in Diluc's bed, the moon still high in the night sky. I let out a groggy groan.

"Wh-When did I f-fall as-as-asleep?" I mutter out, clutching the side of my head.

A grumble is heard beside me. I look over to see Diluc still fast asleep in the bed, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Please, don't leave me," he mumbles out.

A flush of heat radiates through my whole body as I'm firmly pressed against his very clearly bare chest. I can't help but start to hyperventilate.

"T-T-Too cl-cl-close-close!" I squeak out.

My body flinches away, struggling against Diluc's toned arms. He lets out a sad moan before pulling me back into his body.

"Please," he sobs slightly, "don't leave me alone."

Everything is so hot. My skin is on fire, and the pyro user before me isn't helping anything. Diluc has always had a very warm body, even before his vision. But now, after all the years of training with it, he's nearly unbearable to make skin contact with.

I've always preferred the cold

A rumbling is felt against his chest, almost like an earthquake. His fingers tighten upon the back of my night dress, hands moving down across the thin fabric.

"Don't leave me alone. I don't like being alone..." he sobs.

He nuzzles his face into my neck, wet tears dripping against the tips of my ears.

"Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me."


His fingers go ridged against my back and his breathing grows tense.

"I'm r-right here..." I try to comfort, "I'm not going anywhere..."

It's not a lie, but I wish it was

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you," he says, his voice increasing in tensity.

He's very much awake now. Still, his tears are rolling down his cheeks and onto my burning skin. His arms wrap around me tightly, nearly pushing out all the air in my damaged lungs.

"D-Dilu-Diluc!" I gasp out, trying my best to breathe.

"Please don't leave me like they did. Like father, like mother, like Kaeya..."

"I'm r-r-ight-t here."

That's when it all clicks together.

He's just a sad, scared boy, wanting affection that won't leave him. He wants something that won't slip through his fingers. He wants something to protect. He doesn't want his love to be broken again.






But this bastard deserves it

I forgot to add this

Diluc coming to get you from the bar

Diluc coming to get you from the bar

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