Twenty Two

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Mature Themes

Not Intended for Younger Audiences

Just able to hear me through the glass, Kaeya smirks, his eye creasing with crows feet. He taps the glass and points at the latch of the window.

"Can you open this?" he asks, his voice very muffled.

I nod, moving from my spot on the bed, crawling across. The I try to reach for the window latch when the sound of strangled metal draws my attention. I turn to see the chain just short enough to prevent me from reaching the window.

I tug at the metal instinctively, hoping that in someway it would loosen enough for me to get to Kaeya. I turn back to him to see that he's noticed the chain against my ankle. His stary eye sharpens into a deep glare, his fist slamming the glass.

"Dammit," he barks.


Kaeya's attentions is back to me, his expression softening.

"I'm sorry. It's going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here, I promise."

Tears prick my eyes once again, the feeling of swelling blood vessels causing severe pain.

"Kaeya, I'm scared!" I cry out.

Kaeya looks at me with a sad expression.

"I know. I know. Please don't cry. I'm going to keep this promise if it kills me. I love you very much, (Y/n)."

And that's the truth. I didn't really fall in love with Diluc. I fell in love with Kaeya, and he fell for me. I tried my best to push down my feelings to make my parents happy, but I can still feel my heart beat happily whenever he's around.

"I love you too, Kaeya."

Kaeya presses his forehead against the glass before giving me one last sad glance.

"I'll be back tomorrow. I swear on everything, I'll get you out of here."

With that, Kaeya drops himself from the window seal. Tears prick my eyes once again, knowing I'm going to have to be alone with Diluc for another night.

I bow my head and sob, tears dripping onto the thick quilts. I begin to pray and sob and cry out to my god.

"Lord Barbatos, P-Please, h-he-hear my prayer."

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