Chapter 4

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Seraphina eyes flicked open, light piercing through.

She pushed herself up to sitting, clutching her forehead. Her hand was blurry at the edges, becoming a part of the background.

What happened? I have a splitting headache.

She glanced around. John's head was near her legs, resting against the sofa. Across from her, Elaine's cyan head rested against the table top (did John call her?).


Also around the table sat Arlo, apparently sleeping sitting up with his arms crossed over his chest. So like Arlo.

What was he doing here though? Why would John let him in after everything he did? What's going on?

She glanced down to where John rested against her. It must have been a long night. She stroked her fingers across his fluffy black hair.

How did I end up here?

The van rushed towards her. Then people jumped out – attacked her. Someone behind her stabbed her.

She clasped her hand to her mouth and threw the blanket off her, leaping off the sofa. She burst into a sprint across the room.


She turned around the corner, rushing forward with each step. Praying not to collapse.

"Sera?" John called out. She must have woken him up when she got up. "Hey, Sera! Wait!"

She elbow the door open, slamming the door into the wall, and clasped the white bowl of the toilet with her hands. Her stomach came to the surface.

She coughed into her fist as a hand brushed over her back.

"You okay?"

She glanced up to the owner of the hand on her back. Who is that?

"Sera." Ringing rose in her ears. She squinted through the blur. "Sera! Hey! What's wrong/"

Her skin jumped. Staring bright eyed at John. John.

"You haven't said a word yet and you're acting really strange! Talk to me." John waved his hands.

"Hold on," she replied. Her throat was hoarse. "I want to check something first."

She stood up, pushing John's hand off her, with blood still on her jumper. Then she broke out into another run, dashing across the one floor house. She burst into John's bedroom and picked up his alarm clock.

"Sera?" John questioned.

A tear strolled down her face.

7:14 went to 7:15.

Her legs gave out beneath her; her legs crashed into the floor.

John came to kneel next to her.

"I can't Activate my ability!" she cried out.

"What?" John exclaimed. Maybe it reminded him of his ability. Could he activate his or not? No, he couldn't otherwise would he use it, right?

"This whole time I've been trying and nothing!" she yelled before falling several octaves to a whisper. "How? How did this happen? W-what did they do to me? Why-?"

The alarm clock dropped to the floor.

"What am I supposed to-?"

John's hand rested on her shoulder. "Hang on, let's not jump to conclusions. You just woke up a few minutes ago after being knocked out for nearly a day. The drug's probably still in your system and hasn't worn off yet. Let's give the doc a call. He'll know what to do."

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