Chapter 34

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"Oh my god! Where have you been?!" Elaine shouted as Seraphina slammed the door to their dorm. She stared at her for a few unblinking moments before she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "We couldn't find you anywhere. We were so worried."

To be fair, I hadn't checked my appearance since I left for the café.

"Why? I can do what I want!" she yelled back.

"The last thing you texted me was 'there's a body on the West fifth floor corridor' and you didn't answer any texts or calls for the rest of the day – and yes, we did find him. He wasn't dead, by the way, unlike what your text implied." She opened her mouth to respond. "Oh, I know you weren't being that literal. I still don't get what he did to deserve that." Elaine frantically waved her hands about her. "Then when I got back, you weren't here. There were half a dozen eggs gone and you're missing – not responding to any texts or picking up the calls. There was no trace of you. You weren't in class all day and no one said John was either and barely anyone had seen John past like 10 that morning and then you weren't in the dorm and Blyke said you weren't in their dorm." She paused to let out a long exhale and arms floated down to be frozen still at her sides. "No one knew where you were! And with what happened today, we were all so worried!"

"I just went out with John," she replied, moving towards her bedroom. "We're dating and were best friends for a year before that – is that so unusual?"

"You've got bruises on you," Elaine stated.

Not surprising after that fight. Oh, but what to say. Elaine was just looking at excuses to blame John. Not that she could blame her for being suspicious of him after everything that had happened.

"So, I'm a low-tier, Elaine. It's not that unusual. In fact, it's common."

She took a few more steps towards her room.

"But, um, let me heal you." She strolled over and grabbed her arm.

"It's okay, Elaine. I know it takes a lot of energy out of you and it's not like I'm going to die over night from just a few bruises."

"But you're my roommate. You're not just anybody." She slipped her hand down to clutch her hand. "You can at least tell me what you actually did today?"

She ripped her arm out of Elaine's grasp and sighed. "John and I did return to this dorm after what happened with Isen and Zeke today and that's where we stayed during the rest of the school day. I had to get John out of that environment – I think you can gather what could have happened. After school though, I met up with my sister." She smiled. "I should now have a way to get my ability back!"

"Wait, really?" A smile lit up the bluenette's face. "That's very good - great."

She clasped her hands together with a twinkle in her eye.

"Yeah." She smiled tiredly and looked to the floor. "And hopefully, it goes well."

The sun rose up in the sky and light shone through her curtains. She peeled her eyes open to glance at her red alarm clock numbers.

It was a few minutes before the alarm.

She rolled to the side and swung her legs off to touch the floor and get to her feet. She hit the off mode of the clock and peaked out the curtains to the light blinding her eyes.

The sky was a bright light blue – no clouds in sight.

She let out a breath as she leant back, closing the curtains.

Then she picked up the clock.

Soon. Soon.

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