Chapter 7

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"Blyke, huh?" Sera stated, glancing to where John sat against the fence on the roof besides her. "Not too bad."

"No, no, no," John exclaimed. He frowned at her. "You haven't seen the way he glares at me. He's gonna murder me in my sleep."

"Nah, don't worry." Her arm rested in her lap and the other hand against the floor. "He's got better things to do."


"Well, he's not the most approachable person, but he minds his own busines at least," she explained. She had chosen Blyke as Jack for a reason. "It's unlike him to act so hostile unless you somehow provoked him – Hah... actually it makes perfect sense. Since pissing people off is your speciality. What did you do this time?"

She patted his shoulder as he refused to look at him.


"You sound upset," she commented.

"I just want some consolation okay?" he responded. "Why do you keep backing him?"

"Well, for starters, I'm the one who crowned him as Jack," she replied.

"Hm? It wasn't Arlo?"

"Arlo would never chose Blyke over a high tier like Cecile," she explained. "Not with his philosophy, so I overruled him. After I ascended to Ace, Arlo and Remi argued for days on who should fill the position and they still didn't agree on anyone, so I stepped in and made the decision for them. Needless to say, Arlo was furious with my choice. It's the reason why we don't get along anymore. He feels like I betrayed him and the hierarchy.

"But it was worth it. His expression at the time was priceless. Someone needed to kick him off his high horse."

She laughed into her hand.

"Wait." John hesitated. "Don't tell me you only chose Blyke just to piss him off."

"Oh no," she replied. "That was just a nice little bonus. I sincerely believed Blyke would be the better Jack. Cecile may be powerful, but she's very secretive. She always seems to be hiding something from the rest of us and that makes her difficult to trust. Blyke, on the other hand, he's much more open and straight forward. I'd take that over strength any day. Hm... If you'd actually give it a chance, I bet you two would get along pretty well."

"Nah, no way," he responded. She pursed her lips. That was unlike John a year ago.

"Why not try talking to him?" she asked.

"This guy shoots lasers out of his hands," John replied. He wasn't planning on her being his own friend, was he? "He'll whoop my ass before I get to say anything. So, no thanks."

"Hey." She shuffled over to him and gently elbowed his arm. "What's gotten into you lately? Since when did you ever let those details bother you? When we first met, you kept nagging me despite knowing what I was capable of and look how that turned out."

She shifted away, smiling with her eyes closed.

"What every happened to that John?" she questioned.

John didn't respond at first, caught off guard. "Yeah, I wonder."

Seraphina walked along the corridor, blazer slouched down her shoulder.

Up ahead, a blonde haired girl, who had two long swishing ponytails, stood over a dull red haired girl with twin pigtails tied up with light green bubbled hair bands. One foot stepped on the girl on the floor's papers.

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