Chapter 10

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Seraphina walked through the corridor, all eyes on her.

Even after everything, I still dragged John into this mess. They suspended me for an entire month just for reading it; I can't imagine what they'll do to him. This is my fault. If I'd just been more careful, none of this would've happened.

"Hey, it's Seraphina." She glanced to a red (almost brown) haired girl who stood near the lockers with a girl that had long blonde hair. "I heard there's something going on with her ability. Like, she can't use it or something?"

"Shhh! Watch what you say!" the blonde girl whispered back, hand cupped to her mouth. "She'll hear you."

"Ahh," she replied. "So what? She wouldn't be able to do anything to us anyway. If the rumours are true."

Something is different. Their looks. Even though they're still all staring at me, they're no longer staring with fear, but almost more... with contempt.

She walked away from them, head down.

I should go somewhere more quiet.

The corridors slowly became more quiet until there was no one left in her eyeline and there was only one set of footsteps behind her.

At the end of the corridor, the stairs led up and down.

The footsteps quickly creeped up on her until they were right behind her.

Why did someone feel the need to come so close to her?

She glanced behind her as a hand touched her upper back before applying force to her back.

It was the lime haired girl with the twin buns.


Her hand pressed down, pushing her forward. Shoving her down towards the stairs. And her foot was flat down vertically. She was falling through the air, no contact to the ground to make or break her fall.


She hit the ending of the stairs HARD. Her body went numb before the pain sprouted out of every limb of her body. She laid on her stomach arms out in front of her and then she pushed her head up, supported by her arms.


She glanced up the stairs to the lime bunned girl who had pushed her down. A phone was in her hands, camera pointed at her.

"Thanks." The girl smirked as she drew her phone back and waved. Then she ran away, leaving her all alone.

She was part of the Newspaper club, wasn't she?

Sera pushed herself up to sitting and shuffled back to the railing, leaning against it. Her ankle spiked in pain when she tried to put any weight on it.

Just like that?! A little tumble down the stairs and ankle's sprained. My arm won't move anymore. I can't rewind my injuries. I couldn't even avoid a simple push! This is really inconvenient.

Eventually, she pulled herself up to standing, ignoring the pain even as her body shook. She leant against the wall with her one good arm and limped along the corridor in the direction of the infirmary as it began to fill with other students again.

Every step hurt. Pins stabbed into her.

"Isn't that?"

"Yeah, but wow, she's all scratched up."

"I heard ever since she got back from the suspension she hasn't used her ability a single time!"

"OMG, really?"

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