Chapter 11

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"Acey boy, it's been awhile."

I shuffle backwards to make room for him, not even bothering to do it inconspicuously as I just want to be as far away as possible. I don't even want to be breathing the same air as him in this small space, unwanted flashes of what happened last time I was with him start to slither there way out from the deepest parts of my mind.

[Non-consent touching in the following flashback]

"Staying late Acey boy?" Mr. Winslow asked me, striding up to my messy desk with papers strewn across it.

This was when I used to work in the office before I requested to work from home. I was wrapping up some last minute work since I didn't want to be working over the weekend. I had promised I'd look after the twins for Adam while he went on a business trip, so I needed my full attention for them.

Mr. Winslow was my direct superior at the time, my boss, so the work I completed was submitted and looked over by him. He was an older guy, late forties, but he didn't look it. What with his balding head, wrinkly face, washed out blue eyes, he looked more like he was in his late sixties.

At first we had had a relatively normal work relationship, like any other colleague I worked with, it was professional.

I had been employed at the office for roughly three months before things started to turn strange. It started with light body touches; a lingering hand squeezing my shoulder, brushing up against me when we walked past each other. I thought nothing of it thinking I was bigging it up in my head. It was uncomfortable sure, but I didn't want to cause a scene so I beared with it and would move away whenever he neared me. Then it escalated to a point where I couldn't just brush it off.

"Yes Sir, I just wanted to finish off this last report before heading out." We were the last ones on the floor, but I was unaware at the time since I had been too invested in completing my work.

A sudden hand landing on my shoulder made me jump in my seat making me tear my eyes away from my computer screen to see it was Mr. Winslow's. Thinking he would retract it after a few seconds I paid it no mind and was about to carry on with my work, but his next words made me freeze my actions.

"You know Ace, you're my favourite employee." Mr. Winslow's voice was like nails on a chalkboard; unpleasant to the ear. His hand started to slide down my arm leaving sickening shivers to follow the path he was taking. I was frozen, locked up in my brain while wanting to push him off, to just move away.

My breathing starts to speed up once the lift doors close. I'm trapped with him with no immediate exit. My eyes shoot all over the place, like a paranoid drug addict, while trying to distract my thoughts.

It's only one more floor to go. Don't think about it. It's not a big deal.

He leaned over me, his face closing the distance between us with barely a few centimetres from him brushing against the tip of my nose. The smell of his rancid breath fanned over me, his slightly discoloured teeth making an appearance as he smirked at my tense position.


Finally being able to get my limbs to cooperate with me, I pushed him off while saying, "Please refrain from touching me sir, it's inappropriate."

I had expected him to back off after that, but instead he chuckled without a hint of humour present, a malicious smirk crawling up his cheeks.

"Ace Ace Ace," he tutted while slowly shaking his head, "you don't seem to understand that I'm your superior... I could fire you Acey boy."

I can feel my throat start to close up, blocking any air I'm trying to shakily inhale.

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