Chapter 4

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I'm not a stranger to restless sleeps but last night had to be the worst one I've ever had; tossing and turning with my thoughts riddled with the days previous events wasn't ideal. Hence why I said to hell with sleep and decided to get up early. 

Three in the morning early.

In the space of an hour, I had took another shower, securely wrapped up my swollen ankle, took some painkillers for it, got dressed in some fresh clothes and packed my bag just about ready to leave to go to my apartment. 

However, not only was I blessed with spontaneous insomnia, I woke up to red, irritated and dry eyes all due to forgetting to take out my contacts. Oh the joy. 

Now I sport my old, thick, black-rimmed glasses after forcing myself to put some eyedrops on my eyeballs. To be honest I forgot how good I looked in them if I do say so myself. Got that whole 'hot nerd' aura going on.

With one last sweep of the room, I leave and jog down the stairs as quietly as I can, and go into the kitchen to place my pre-written note to Adam, explaining that I had some last minute work to do, on the counter. 

Not a complete lie, I do have some work I need to do, but it doesn't need to be submitted till Thursday.

Heading into the garage, I grab my good old trusty bike that I use to get around, and exit the garage's side door. Letting the door automatically lock behind me, I jump on my bike and take the fifteen minute ride to my apartment. It's very peaceful since everyone's asleep, well apart from a couple of drunks stumbling down the streets and shouting about random shit.

4:43am is displayed on my watch by the time I arrive at my building. I quickly lock my bike to a nearby lamppost (not a fan of it getting stolen) and go inside.

I take the squeaky lift up to the third floor since I don't feel like running up three flights of stairs with this much sleep under my belt. Any other day I would accept the challenge.

The lift grinds to a halt and I get out when the doors slowly slide open. Walking to number seven I dig into my jean pocket and take out my keys to open the musty green door.

Once inside I turn on my laptop to do some searching for what I can do next at the zoo. The internet is the next best thing, second to a qualified vet, as the internet doesn't get suspicious and just provides answers to any questions.

I type in things like: 'How to take care of a malnourished cat?'; 'How much do big cats eat per day?'; 'How to disinfect a wound?' 

I even look at some screamish (I'm not good at dealing with blood and all that gorish stuff and I'm man enough to admit that) videos on how to do the necessary treatment for different types of wounds.

After absorbing all the information I can and taking a few notes, I decide to write a list of all the things I need for my visit to the zoo.

1. Honey (apparently a few drops will provide 'an excellent source of energy and various other essential nutrients' according to the internet) 

2. CREAM (every cat loves cream and it's very fattening so that's good for that reason)

3. Wet wipes/ Sponges(to hopefully wipe them down)

4. Bug spray (for the cage and maybe their bodies. It depends on if it will irritate the injuries they have) 

5. Nail clippers  or pliers (I'm going to attempt to trim their brittle claws, so it can hopefully encourage healthy development. Go me sounding like a vet)

6. Disinfectant/ Alcohol with some cotton pads (pretty self-explanatory)

7.Bandages (also pretty self-explanatory)

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