Chapter 1

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"Uncle Ace! Wake up! It's time to go see the bears," the screeches of my tiny niece and nephew pierce my innocent ear drums. Gosh do these little brats have a voice and a half. If disturbing my once peaceful sleep and bursting my ear drums wasn't enough, they get the idea that jumping up and down on my mattress is needed on top of that, jostling me side to side.

Fainting sleep I wait for the perfect moment before I let out a roar, imitating the bears they love so much, and launch out of my bed to chase them. They scream as they run out of the guest room, and I lag behind in order to give them a chance to escape.

I herd them into their shared bedroom and stand in the doorframe blocking their only way out. They huddle against the wall together and turn around to stare wide-eyed at me upon realising that they're trapped. Letting out a growl I dash towards them and scoop them up, one under each arm like a rugby ball.

They let out shrieks of happiness along with giggles, as I lug them downstairs to the kitchen where I place them on their individual bar stools under the breakfast bar. Footsteps behind me make me turn around to find my disgruntled brother entering the room mid-yawn.

His ivory skin, that is a shade darker then mine, contrasts with his tousled black hair, a result from him most likely running his fingers through it. He has an aquiline nose that holds a piercing on the left nostril that he's had since he was a prepubescent teen, and his hazel eyes are blinking rapidly to try and wake himself up.

"It's always energetic whenever you're here Ace," Adam says while shaking his head, grabbing ingredients out from the fridge to start breakfast.

"What can I say, I'm their favourite uncle."

"You're their only uncle so there isn't much competition." Adam says blankly and I place a hand over my heart in mock hurt, falling back onto a bar stool like I've been shot.

Adam rolls his eyes at my overdramatic antics before placing juice boxes in front of the kids who are laughing at me. I pout when he doesn't give me one too and when he sees me sulking he sighs before reluctantly placing one in front of me. Yay orange. My favourite.

"I swear I only have two kids, but with you here I suddenly feel like I have three." he mutters under his breath, rolling his eyes again. I worry for a second that they'll get stuck like that, but realise I don't care after processing what he just said. Rude. Him, Dillan and Delanie are lucky to have me.

"Do you plan on being productive today or are you going to be a lazy sh-" he stops himself short when his eyes catch the kids, "going to be doing zilch all day?" he rewords his question towards me while turning on the stove for the frying pan. I hope he's cooking pancakes. I fucking love pancakes. Especially with syrup. Lots and lots of syrup. I'm drooling just at the thought.

"As much as doing nothing sounds tempting, I actually promised these two little rascals that I would take them to the zoo," I say, ruffling the twin's heads. They try to defend their hair by smacking my hands, but alas that doesn't deter me. "You wanna come with?"

"Sure why not." he says without a moments hesitation, shrugging his shoulders.

"Cool. You're paying."

"Would you have paid if I said no?" he glances at me and raises an eyebrow in curiosity and a hint of amusement.

"Nah, I would've stole your wallet and took some cash out." I say with a 'duh' expression. He lets out an exasperated sigh while pouring in some pancake mix, that he had just whipped up, into the now heated pan.

He dishes out pancakes onto four separate plates and then passes them out, sitting down to join us. Without a second to waste I laver -more like drown- mine in syrup. Golden over maple any day. Adam sticks with just sprinkling some sugar on his and the twins have lemon juice on both of theirs. They don't know what they're missing out on, syrup is hands down the best topping.

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