Chapter 8

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Time to head back to those three I guess...

It doesn't take me long to get back to the basement type area and as I enter through the metal doors (making sure to close them gently) I hear hushed tones drifting down the hall from the cell that I napped in.

I tiptoe towards it slowly while sticking closely to the wall (like the sneaky ninja that I am) until the murmurs become more clear and I can make out what they're saying. It seems to me that they're having a heated arguement over something.

"You know we can't do that Thaddeus, it's too dangerous. We need to lay low for awhile and make sure it's safe before making any rash decisions." A throaty voice, that I recognise to be Malachi's, hisses.

The uncontrolled anger is present in Thaddeus' response and I can imagine him pacing around with frustrated hand gestures as he argues back: "You can't expect me to just sit here and wait while-"

"The only thing I expect is for you to trust my judgement for once and to think about what got us into this mess in the first place." Malachi abruptly cuts him off.

There's a long tension filled pause before Thaddeus speaks again, seemingly reluctant to agree with his friend? I'm not actually sure what they are to each other, but they seem to be familiar enough with one another that the term 'friend' seems appropriate.

"Fine. A week and no longer. Then we go."

The conversation seems to have ended and not wanting to be found out eavesdropping I make overexaggerated steps, so that it alerts them to my presence. I round into the cell and immediately feel the intensity of three pairs of piercing eyes on me.

Not knowing what to say in this kind of situation, or where to look, and with three sets of eyes following my every move, I drop the carrier bag with their clothes onto the floor before squatting. I rummage around before throwing the three pairs of grey sweatpants in their general direction along with the flip flops first.

Rustling of clothes fills the room and when it stops I assume they've finished putting them on, so I stand up and glance up, with the risk of seeing their ding dong now having disappeared.

It's hard not to gawk at them too intently and it's taking me a lot of self-restraint not to drool over them either. Still I can't help but find my eyes slowly drop down and before I know it I'm admiring each of their various figures.

I'm not saying they're unblemished either, they've all got their own fair share of scar and burn marks from their past and imprisonment here, but it just shows the hardships they've been through and survived. It doesn't make them any less attractive to me at all.

When I'm done perusing each of their impressive bodies I
glance up to see if I've been caught in the act and the responding smirks on each of their smug faces tells me I wasn't as subtle as I thought.

"Like what you see, cub?" A deep husky voice, that I haven't heard before, asks with a hint of amusement.

My face turns a flaming red at Dante's question and I mumble out a 'no' even though it's apparent that I absolutely do like what I see. The widening of their smirks shows that they don't believe my obvious lie.

Wanting to move pass my embarrassment I quickly grab the chibi animal t-shirts and toss them to their new owners, each of them catching and then staring at their individual t-shirts with varying emotions displayed across their faces.

"You're kidding me right?" Malachi chuckles holding up his top, his right eyebrow arching questioningly.

"Well I thought it was only fitting since you know..." I trail off as I'm sure he knows what I'm getting at, and the red in my cheeks flares up again since now that I think about it it seems a tad bit childish.

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