Chapter 12

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We were all patiently waiting outside my office building for the cab I had requested to turn up. No one brought up what happened back inside said office building, whether they knew I didn't want to talk about it or were waiting for a better time to bring it up, I was grateful either way.

Anyway, a trip to the nearest shopping mall seemed to be needed. The three that were standing closely behind me on the pavement were in dire need of some new clothes, what with them only having the ones I bought for them at the zoo. It wasn't just that, but the fact that I don't really go anywhere unless I'm with Adam or going to work. Might be nice to go somewhere else for once.

After a few minutes, a familiar car pulls up and I open the passenger door to the cab ready to get inside and get on the way, but a large hand wrapping around my entire wrist says otherwise.

"Not so fast little one, you'll be sitting in the back." Thaddeus calmly says like he wasn't dictating where I could and couldn't sit in a bloody car.

Why do I always have to sit in the back? Why can't someone else be squeezed in-between two hot behemoth males that take up all the breathing room? Any other time and I would be begging to be in this position, but right now I want to sit in the front. I don't care how childish that sounds. Hmph.

"Why don't you sit in the back? Why do I have to?" I whine, ignoring the way I sound like a bratty child not getting their way. Thaddeus raises his eyebrows as I try to shake off his grip and slip into the front seat. Tried being the key word, as his grip was soft, but relentless, and he nonchalantly steered me to the back of the car.

Dante held the door open not even attempting to hide his ever present smug expression. "After you princess," he bowed and waved into the car dramatically, pretending to be a chauffeur.

Malachi already sat on the far end of the back seats waiting for me to slide into the middle, so he and Dante could sandwich me yet again. My mind drifts to a different kind of situation where I wouldn't mind being situated in the middle of them, but I shake the thought off before my mind can stray further.

I was just opening my mouth to begin arguing even more when I was unceremoniously tossed into the back, a mini yelp tumbling out as I fell against the leather seats.


How rude. I quickly sat up, ready to get right back out, but Dante, the culprit that pushed me in, slithered in and shut the door behind himself before I could even count to one.

I gawked at him while he easily ignored the metaphorical steam coming out of my ears.

"Better close that mouth cub, otherwise you'll be giving me the wrong idea." Dante whispers into my ear, sending shocks through me as his hot breath ghosted over it. He encloses his hand around my bottom jaw to close my mouth, his fingers lingering while I thought about what he meant. When it dawned on me, my face lit up like a christmas tree and I turned away from him so fast I'm surprised I didn't snap my neck.

How can he just say stuff like that without any hesitation! I know he's just teasing me for a reaction and wouldn't actually see me that way.

Dante chuckles at my reaction and I see him turn to look outside the window with his head leaning on his hand in my peripheral vision.

Malachi surprises me by leaning over to grab my seatbelt and buckle me in, like I'm not twenty one years old but five. I will admit, obviously not out loud, that it made me feel a bit (a tiny bit) warm and gooey inside. It was such a simple action, but it made me feel looked after.

The driver pulled away once Thaddeus had settled down in the front seat (my seat), already knowing where to go since I had put it in in the app. I hadn't told the others where we were going, them most likely assuming we'd be going back to my apartment, so when the cab stopped outside the mall three pairs of eyes turned towards me questioningly.

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