Chapter 2

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Wow, I never thought I'd get the chance to think that; I'm going in. It sounds so ridiculous compared to when people say it in movies.

I slide the rusty bolt to the side and push open the door, the hinges are definitely in need of an oiling as they squeak in disproval. Walking in the door slams closed behind me and I'm left in pitch blackness with a sliver of light peeking under the door. If only I brought my phone I could use it to find the light switch.

I run my hand over the wall hoping to the high heavens above (or to whatever greater being is out there) that I don't happen upon a cobweb. I will squeak like a boy whose nuts are being squeezed to death if I do.

I finally feel the outline of a switch, after fumbling around like a buffoon, and press it on. No spiders. Thank. God. Soft glowing lights blink on barely doing a sufficient job of lighting up the place, some bulbs flicker and some don't even turn on. Typical.

The air is a lot colder down here, so much so that I can see my breath puff out in clouds, it's like a walk-in fridge freezer. It reminds me of all the times where I would pretend to smoke a cigarette thinking I was cool when I so obviously was not. But who cares, I still do that from time to time now so sue me. I wander deeper into the room limping like an idiot, and rub my arms up and down on top of my sweater to try and generate some kind of heat.

This is so stupid and less exciting then in the movies.

So far there's nothing of interest to me, it appears to just be a storage room of sorts and just when I'm about to give up and leave I come across a pair of metal doors near the back.

What catches my eye though is the numerous amount of warning signs covering the damp walls beside the doors. Signs like: "Warning: Dangerous animals present " or "BEWARE OF DANGER AHEAD!"

I mean at this point I should've just turned back around and hightailed it out of there but my best friend curiosity was tempting me to investigate further.

With great effort I push open the doors and I'm suddenly hit with the most rancid disgusting smell that I've ever encountered in my twenty-one years of living. Instead of piles of the usual boxes and broken equipment that was in the room before, on either side of a long narrow hallway is a row of empty cages.

That's when I hear it. The most pain-filled whimper from the end of the hallway preventing me from leaving the foul smelling room.

Preparing myself for the worst I languidly and quietly walk towards the sound.

Oh my God...

My hands fly to my mouth to contain a strangled sob, a pitiful whine slipping out instead. My heart has all but stopped, my stomach churning wildly and pushing bile up my throat; not because of the smell but because of this heart wrenching site.

Within this one tiny holding cell were three forms.

Surrounded by their own faecal waste and covered from head to toe with scars, dried blood around their paws laid an adult male lion, tiger and panther. Their necks were being chocked by metal collars that were attached to the brick walls with thick chains. The collars were practically ingrained into their skin with how tight they were, it was sure to leave a nasty imprint.

Mattered fur were in clumps around their brittle claws and the fur on their bodies was mangled to death with what looks like insects crawling around on their bare bodies. They must've been trying to get rid of the bugs.

They were so malnourished that they had been reduced to a pile of skin and bones. I could practically see their skeleton and it sickens me to the core to see such powerful majestic animals like this.

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