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MARIA GEORGE was swaying in the background of Don't Stop Believin' when Quinn ran out sick

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MARIA GEORGE was swaying in the background of Don't Stop Believin' when Quinn ran out sick. "Quinn, you OK?" Schue asked.

"Does she look it? She's currently hurling her guts out." Maria responded, rolling her eyes.

"I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito" Finn explained.

"All breakfast burrito's are bad." Maria said disgusted.

"Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?" Kurt questioned.

"Your sexuality?" Santana asked and Maria was tempted to say the phrase "takes one to know one".

"Rachel. We can't do it without her."

"I object." Maria.. objected.

"That's not true. We may have to layer Santana and Mercedes over Quinn's solo, but I'll be fine." Schue insisted.

"Maybe for the invitationals, but not for sectionals and certainly not the regionals" Artie pointed out.

"Please, we all know Mercedes could do it single handed I don't understand why you want to go begging Barbra back." Maria insisted. "And I also could do it single handedly." Maria muttered, with a frown.

"The wheelchair kid's right. That Rachel chick makes me wanna light myself on fire, but she can sing." one of glee's newest additions - Noah Puckerman added.

"Rachel left, guys. She's gone. If we want to make this thing work, we can't look back. Alright, take 5 minutes" Schue insisted - leaving Mercedes, Kurt and Maria to discuss Mariah's latest album Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel.

"Guys, I'd like to introduce you to someone very special. This is April Rhodes. She's our newest member." Schue announced, at the beginning of their next rehearsal.

"Wait, so old people can join Glee Club now?" Finn questioned.

"Old, huh? You guys look like the world's worst Benetton ad." April replied, to which Maria took personal offence.

"Mr Schuester, this seems like a terrible idea." Artie complained.

"April is a great singer. And she never graduated." Schue replied.

"We appreciate what you're trying to do, but she's no Rachel." Mercedes moaned.

"Who's Rachel?" April asked.

𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊 , jesse st. jamesWhere stories live. Discover now