viii. defying gravity

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Mercedes and Maria were sitting in the choir room discussing Leona Lewis's phenomenal new album - Echo

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Mercedes and Maria were sitting in the choir room discussing Leona Lewis's phenomenal new album - Echo. Well, actually they were pretending to discuss Leona Lewis's new album while secretly listening in on Quinn and Finn's argument. Quinn was complaining about how the debt collectors were going to come to her house if Finn didn't get a job (Maria didn't think Quinn realised that she's pregnant - not invalid) when Schuester walked in and as per usual started handing out sheet music "All right, guys. We're doing a new number for Sectionals. I know that pop songs have sort of been our signature pieces, but I did a little research on past winners, and it turns out that the judges like songs that are more accessible. Stuff they know. Uh, standards, Broadway." he announced.

"Defying Gravity? I have an iPod shuffle dedicated exclusively to selections from Wicked. This is amazing." Kurt exclaimed, which made Maria smile she knew this could be his moment.

"Think you can handle it, Rachel?" Schue asked, as if Kurt wasn't clearly hinting that he wanted it.

"It's my go-to shower song. It's also my ring tone." Rachel informed, crushing Kurt.

"Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song? See, what we need is my chocolate thunder." Mercedes questioned.

"I second that." Maria added.

"Okay, we don't have time to rearrange a song for you, Mercedes. Rachel is singing it. Don't worry, we'll find something for you to dip in chocolate. On to item two. The school won't pay for the special bus we need to take Artie and his wheelchair with us to sectionals." Schue stated.

"What?" Tina stuttered.

"That's completely unfair." Rachel complained, causing Maria to clap, which naturally led to everyone staring at Maria with confusion.

"Rachel's thinking of someone other than herself for once, we need to savour the moment. Also Artie deserves better; I personally think we should just sue the school." Maria elaborated.

"So we're going to have to raise money to pay for it ourselves. See, when I was in glee club, and we needed new silk cummerbunds for regionals, we held a bake sale." Schue continued, after pausing to listen to our complaints.

"You're joking, right? I mean, bake sales are kind of bougie." Santana asked.

"So hip people stopped eating delicious sugary treats?" Schue countered.

"It's not that. It's most of us. Don't know how to bake. I find recipes confusing." Brittany explained.

"And ovens." Maria added, gaining a nod from Britt "ovens are confusing."

"My family is fully committed to takeout." Rachel revealed. And let me tell you, Maria was shook.

"Yeah, Mr. Schue, kids are busier than when you went here. We've got homework and football and teen pregnancy ... lunch." Finn moaned.

𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊 , jesse st. jamesWhere stories live. Discover now