xiv. beautiful stranger

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"Can I ask you guys something private?" Rachel questioned

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"Can I ask you guys something private?" Rachel questioned.

"Yes, you should move to Israel." Santana commented.

"It's about dating. Not that I'm dating anyone. We all know that Finn and I are no longer an item, and for the sake of the team, I broke up with Jesse. But let's just say I was dating someone. " Rachel stated.

"Clearly still dating Jesse." Maria mumbled, gaining a light slap on the wrist from Rachel to which she responded with a false shocked face. Ever since Maria knew Rachel's deepest darkest secret (she's still dating Jesse) the girls had developed a friendship.

"Let's just say, hypothetically, we went to a Wiggles concert last Friday night, and then because my dads weren't home, we went up to my room and started making out. It was erotic and romantic. And then he said we should do it. What if then he got really crabby and left, and didn't even take home the Care Bear I won him playing Skee Ball?"

"Can I have the Care Bear?" Maria asked.

"Would you please stop talking? You're grossing out my baby." Quinn commented.

"I just want to be ready; I know I'm getting older, and these things are going to happen someday, but how do I stop a guy from getting mad at me for saying no?" Rachel pondered.

"Just do what I do. Never say no." Santana advised.

"Oh, totally. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Sorry, Quinn." Brittany stated.

"Look, girl, don't ask me. The last guy I liked was the mayor of gaytown. And I can't wait to get a guy mad at me for saying no." Mercedes answered.

"Look, from what I've learnt in my life if you don't lose it soon, they'll make a game out of it. Lose it with someone you trust or get hurt." Maria insisted, gaining concerned looks from everyone "I know what I learnt from movies and I know men are trash. I just connected the dots and came to the conclusion I'd prefer losing it and regretting it, rather then losing it and getting used for a game or a bet."

"We just have to accept that guys don't care about our feelings. Like, the other day, I was walking with Artie..." Tina began, and then proceeded to tell us about how she should consider tighter fitting clothing.

"Do you need me to beat him up?" Maria asked.

"That's got to sting." Rachel commented.

"Hey, guys. I'm sorry to interrupt your little sorority, but I couldn't help but overhearing. Are you really having that much boy trouble?" Schuester interrupted.

"Little sorority?" Maria questioned, "What is this, The House Bunny? Be for real, Mr Schue."

"You wouldn't understand, Mr. Shue. You're a guy." Quinn countered.

"Well, then maybe you should talk to someone else about it. Like Ms. Pillsbury." Schue suggested.

"I tried that." Rachel stated.

𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊 , jesse st. jamesWhere stories live. Discover now