Chapter 39- Shut up Forsythe

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February 10, 2021 11:32 am
Jughead POV

I was sitting at the kitchen island writing and drinking coffee. Betty's still sleeping, she hasn't been feeling well the past couple of days. And that made her sleep a lot more than she already does.

"Jug" Betty says walking towards me.

"Good morning baby I didn't know you were awake I'll make you some breakfast if you're feeling better" I say and go to stand but she grabs my arm.

"Wait I.."

"Baby you okay" Her cheeks are a little red and one of her arms is behind her back.

"I'm fine Jug"

"What are you hiding" I say and try to see but she moves so i can't.

"I have a surprise for you. Close you eyes and put you hand out" She says.


"Just do it Jug" she says and bites her lip. I sigh and close my eyes. I put my hands out and she puts something on my hands. It feels like a pen?

"Okay you can open them" She says i open my eyes and look down at my hands. Its a pregnancy test.

A positive test.


"Surprise" She smiles and I jump up out of my seat and hug her.

"Betty your pregnant?" I pull away and ask. She nod her head and a tear falls out of her eye. I pull her in for a kiss.

"I love you betty so much. Oh my gosh we're gonna be parents B! I'm gonna be a father" I smile and she laughs. I wipe the tears off her cheeks.

"I love you too Jug. I think you're a little more excited than I am" She smiles.

"I am, I'm so excited for this little baby" I smile and place my hand on her still flat stomach.

"Me too and I have a doctors appointment on Monday" Betty smiles.

"is that when we're going to tell everyone?" I ask her.

"Yep" She says and kisses me.

"I love you"

"I know" She says and I tickle her sides.

"I can't believe you're pregnant though?"

"I mean the way we have sex almost every night it was just bound to happen" She laughs.

"True I'm very good at that" I say and she slaps my shoulder.

"Shut up Forsythe"

February 13, 2021 1:12 pm
Jughead POV

Today we are at the first ultra sound appointment. I'm excited, Betty's excited and we can't wait to share it all with our families.

"I'm nervous Jug" Betty says and grips my hands.

"Baby everything's going to be fine" I say.

"What if I'm not pregnant" She says.

"Betty false positives don't happen often. Okay babe you have a little baby in there" I say and poke her stomach and she smiles.

"Okay" she sighs then her doctor walks in with a sheet of paper.

"Elizabeth you are indeed pregnant" Her doctor says.

"See I told you" i say and she rolls her eyes at me.

"You are around 5 weeks right now. So lets start the ultrasound, Yeah" Her doctor says and betty nods.

517 words

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