Chapter 1 - Meeting Him

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Keigo walked out of his home and onto the street, grinning as his pace quickened noticeably and excitement flooded in his veins. This was it! He was finally going to his dream school, Yuuei! The same place his favourite pro hero Endeavour had gone to when he was a teen! Keigo's grin became even wider, the urge to just use his wings and fly to the school almost impossible to suppress. Instead they just flapped around, slapping some people in the face. He muttered apologies as he went, but he wasn't really sorry to be honest. Like seriously, who would be when you were excited to spend your first day at U.A, your idol's old High School! Could you really blame him?

He arrived on school grounds soon enough, and made to walk inside, feeling the fresh wave of air conditioning blow onto his face as he opened the door. He sighed. It felt rather nice to just stand in front of the door and continue to feel the cool breeze, but he had a class to go to, and was probably keeping other students from entering as well. Just as he was about to enter, he felt someone lightly tap one of his wings. Even though the contact was brief, it still sent shivers up his spine as he turned to face the person who had touched him. He gave him a small look of confusion, and he cocked his head slightly to the side.

"You're blocking the entrance." was the flat reply to Keigo's unspoken question.

The red - winged boy could feel his face heating up out of embarrassment. 'Shoot, my first day and I already messed something up!' he thought, staring at the boy in front of him. Keigo's eyes wandered over his face and met the other boy's eyes. They were a nice turquoise, shining under the sunlight of the morning. He wanted to say something, do something, but it felt like he couldn't. Like all he could do was stare into those turquoise eyes, and revel in the image of them forever. 

Soon enough, the eyes turned hard and annoyed, and Keigo quickly looked away. "Are you going to move or not?" the red - haired boy in front of him asks, eyebrow raised up in question and vaguely veiled annoyance. 

The blond aviator's face goes redder this time, then clears his throat and moves away from the entrance. "Yeah, I've moved. You can go in now." he says, not making eye contact with the other student. 

"You could have just walked inside and moved out of the way, since that's where you're headed, correct?" the boy points out, jerking his thumb at the door. Keigo ducks his head, trying to hide the blush that's creeping on his face. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid!' his mind screams at him, but before he could do anything, the boy shrugs his shoulders as an act of indifference then heads inside, leaving Keigo alone outside the main building, the building shining a bright blue with the light reflecting off of it.

Keigo walked inside a few minutes later, giving the boy that went in beforehand some time to find his classroom so that Keigo wouldn't have to encounter him. He walked up the stairs and quickly found his way to the door of his classroom, '1 - B' plastered on the wood, or what he assumed was wood. The previous excitement that had fizzled out during the embarrassing conversation came back as he walked up to the door. 'Even in the same class my hero was in!' he rejoiced inwardly, before opening the door and immediately seeing red - hair's face. His face became a slight pink once he remembered what he had done to the boy earlier.

He avoided his gaze and sat down, thankfully, no one was asking him any questions.

The turquoise eyed boy gave him a short once - over, then turned back to the textbook he was reading. 

'This is literally the first day of school. What textbook would he even be reading?'  Keigo thought, eyes scanning the book from his distance for any sign of familiarity. There was none as far as he could see. As soon as he works up the nerve to talk to the boy sitting in diagonal direction from him and ask about the book, a man entered. He was a bit on the short side, but not too much. He also wore a fully cream suit, and covering it were a pair of yellow boots and gloves, a yellow cape and a yellow belt with the letter G on it.

"Alright class," the man says, voice gruff, "get your P.E uniforms and head on over to the field."

"What?" the class asks in unison, some angry, some scared, some confused, some not really caring. 

"It's either that or we use this time to introduce ourselves to one another. I thought you all would have preferred the second one." the man answers, flicking his hand in a dismissive gesture. He walked to the middle of the classroom, and all eyes were trained on him. Well down on him. The teacher was a little bit shorter than a first - year middle schooler.

"I'll go first. My full name is Sorahiko Torino, but you all can call me Gran Torino; my hero name; or Torino-sensei. I like taiyaki, and enjoy sleeping." He pointed at a girl who sat nearest the door. "You, go." he orders, and the girl gives a smile, despite the way their teacher's voice sounds so deflating.

"Hi!" the girl chirped. "My name's Rumi Usagiyama! I like carrots, and I believe that determination is the best thing about any hero!"

Gran Torino nodded. "Okay, the person beside Usagiyama should go next."

The boy beside Usagiyama stood up sluggishly, his red eyes seeming dull and bored. "My name's Tenko Shimura. I don't have any particular likes. "

"Vague, I like that." Gran Torino comments, pointing to the next person.

It becomes his turn, and because he was busy being distracted by staring at turquoise eyes, he's caught completely unaware when his name is called.

"M-My name's K-Keigo Takami, and I like chicken, especially KFC." he stutters out, a bit embarrassed.

"Isn't that cannibalism?" one boy asks, and Keigo laughs. It's not the first time someone's asked him that.

"I just have wings, I'm not an actual bird." he replies, and the boy who asked the question nods. He learns later that the boy's name is Jin Bubaigawara.

Soon enough, it's crimson haired boy's turn. All the way through the introductions, Keigo feels that he should know this boy, because his face really rings a bell. 

"I'm Touya Todoroki. I guess I like hot soba. And if you're wondering; yes. I'm Endeavor's son."

It is at that moment that Keigo knew he had made one of the worst mistakes of his life. This was his idol's freaking child that he had annoyed. Small whispers could be heard in the room as Todoroki sat down, his face stoic and emotionless. Those turquoise eyes that shined that morning were duller now, and they seemed more of a blue-grey color.

'Touya Todoroki, huh?' Keigo repeats in his head. 'I'll make sure to remember that, so that I can apologize properly.'

WORDS - 1221

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