Chapter 6 - Eyes (II)

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"Takami?" A voice distantly called out.

"Takami!" The voice repeated, getting louder.

"TAKAMI!" The voice bellowed, shaking Keigo out of his staring reverie. "Huh? What?" The boy asked, startled.

"Have you even been listening to me? You've been looking in the direction of Todoroki's table for like 5 minutes!" Usagiyama cried, clearly annoyed. 

Keigo slightly flushed. "Rumi-san, please keep your voice down. We shouldn't disturb other students from their lunch either." He whisper shouted.

The rabbit quirk user rolled her eyes. "I don't even know why you're sitting here with me when you obviously want to sit with Todoroki. This has been going on for weeks now, I'm tired of it."

"I'm sorry." Keigo apologized. "But I can't. How can I after we asked if he had some magical eye quirk? He probably thinks I'm screwed in the head or something." He lamented, face planting on the cafeteria table.

Usagiyama shrugged. "I doubt that's the case. Being the son of Endeavour, he's probably heard people ask him even weirder questions."

Keigo sighed. "Probably, but that doesn't make me look any better!"

"Then just ask him."

Keigo raise his head to look at his friend. "What?"

"Ask him if he thinks you're crazy or not." Usagiyama said, like it was obvious. "That way, you can stop fretting over something so trivial."

"You don't just ask someone if they think you're crazy or not! That makes you seem insecure!" Keigo chided.

"You're already acting really insecure right now. Now go over there and talk to him or I'll throw you there."

"That's physical assault."

"And you have wings."

Sighing, Keigo reluctantly got up from his shared table with Usagiyama and carefully walked up to Todoroki's, where he sat alone.

"Do you need something?" The red haired boy asked, dull blue eyes boring into Keigo, as if analyzing him.

Keigo internally frowned. He had noticed that lately, Todoroki's eyes were duller, less lively. They grew brighter during their exercises though, but it was a wrong kind of bright, a dark one.

That didn't make sense, did it? A dark light. What nonsense will you think of again Keigo?

"I just wanted to talk to you. We're friends, right?" Keigo asked, chuckling nervously.

"And friends ghost each other, right? You're just like everyone else- only wanting to be with me because of my status." Todoroki shot back.

Keigo winced. Ouch, that hurt. But it was true, he had been the one avoiding Todoroki. He needed to apologize.

"I'm really sorry about that. Look, it was never anything personal, I just made a stupid mistake." Keigo said.

Todoroki hummed. "Maybe I'll forgive you, if you tell me the real reason why you ignored me."

Keigo could already feel the beads of sweating gathering at his forehead. "What do you mean by real reason?"

Todoroki leisurely took a bite out of the apple he kept in his hand. " I saw you talking with Usagiyama- don't play dumb."

"Fine." Keigo sighed, waiting for the impending humiliation. "I thought you saw me as crazy eve since the magical eye quirk thing."

Those eyes, the turquoise eyes that Keigo had come to like a bit too much, actually shone with mirth.

The blond boy felt accomplished all of a sudden.

"That's a weird reason, isn't it?" Todoroki chuckled a little. "Lucky for you, I don't judge."

"It's why I can tolerate being around you." Another voice cut in.

Keigo turned around to see Shimura and Bubaigawara walking towards the table.

"Just admit that we're all friends here!" Bubaigawara exclaimed, casually wrapping an arm around Shimura's shoulder.

"I'll dust you." The crustier looking boy threatened.

Bubaigawara just laughed.

"So we're cool now?" Keigo asked.

Todoroki nodded. "We're cool." He said, before his eyes glinted, almost evil-like. "For now."

Keigo just laughed it off, before greeting Shimura and Bubaigawara, then left to meet Usagiyama.

"See, it wasn't so bad." Was what she said, after Keigo had told her about his encounter with Todoroki.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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