Chapter 3 - Training (I)

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"We're having your first Heroics Practical class today." Gran Torino informed, grabbing a remote from the top of his desk. No one said anything since he had notified them of the fact that they were going to train earlier, though they were curious to learn about the function of the remote.

Gran Torino pressed a button on the remote and the desks flew open, whacking some people in the jaw. Cries of "Ow!" and "That hurt!" resonated through the room, and Keigo could swear he heard the sound of someone's bone cracking.

He shuddered. Thankfully his reaction time made him jump out of the way before he could be victim to such treatment as well.

"Sensei!" A girl with white hair, named Tsukichiwa if Keigo remembered, cried. "Why would you do that?"

Gran Torino shrugged and pointed at her desk. "The school is still figuring out a proper way to store the Hero costumes, so we had to keep them in your desks for now. They're planning to attach a compartment to the wall soon, but we'll see." He tsked as he tapped a finger to his chin. "Probably should have warned you about the desks. Oh well, too late now."

Gran Torino walked to the door. "Anyways, get your cases and head down to the changing rooms. Get into your outfits, and then meet me at Ground Beta. I know the school gave you an orientation before the first day, so you should know where to find it."

Listening to Gran Torino's words, Keigo looked into his now open desk to see a briefcase with the number '02' in it. Keigo grins. Number 2! Just like his hero Endeavor! Now that he thinks about it, it's pretty suspicious how the things he gets always seem similar to his hero...

First it was getting into U.A, which isn't very suspicious on it's own.

Next was entering 1 - B, which seems more skeptical.

Third was getting the Number 2 on his costume briefcase.

If Keigo didn't know any better, it was like someone somewhere was doing this, just to mess with him.

Maybe he was reading to much into it, Keigo shrugged.

Grinning at his new hero outfit, Keigo picked up the briefcase and rushed out the door, forgetting about the mandatory 'no quirk use inside unless granted permission' rule the school had set. Before he knew it, Keigo was zipping past people with his wings, smiling like a madman. The adrenaline of finally being able to start his journey of being a hero filled him with an uncontrollable excitement that would have made anyone else sick, considering the fact that he was flying as well.

As he flew through the male changing room doors, he came to a stop as he already spotted Todoroki changing out of his shirt.

"How did you get here before me?" Keigo asked putting his own briefcase down and starting to undress.

"While you were busy ogling your costume case and staring into space, I decided to come here." Todoroki said, slipping on a loose white shirt with a low neck.

"Then how come no one else is here yet?" Keigo asked, struggling to put on the black shirt with golden patterns. Laughing slightly, he turned towards Todoroki. "A little help?" he asked.

Keigo could feel Todoroki's eye roll as he helped pull the shirt over his head. Once done, Todoroki took a look inside Keigo's briefcase, before whistling.

"That's a pretty fancy costume. A jacket? Visor? Headphones? You're really going all out."

Keigo rolled his eyes. "Excuse me, but the visor is to protect me from dust and other particles so that they don't get into my eyes, the headphones are to prevent wind pressure from causing damage to my eardrums, and the jacket is for colder temperatures."

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