Chapter 2 - Apologies

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The school day was close to coming to an end, and Keigo still hadn't gotten the confidence to apologize for his earlier rude behavior. He walked behind Todoroki through the halls after class was dismissed, trying to be as discrete as possible.

Okay, so maybe this was going too far and he was acting like a stalker, but he felt embarrassed by his earlier actions and needed to get it off his chest, or else, be awkward around the dude for the rest of the school year. That wasn't an option, because as classmates, it was inevitable that they would have to communicate, and maybe even have some exercises together. Being in a life threatening exercise and being so awkward that it's difficult to work together? Not the best scenario for survival. So, he continued on, sometimes hiding behind water fountains, and trashcans, and unsuspecting students. They were almost outside when Todoroki turned and looked behind him.

Keigo quickly hid behind a nearby trashcan, but it was an unnecessary move.

"I know you're there, stop following me around like a creep. Besides, your big red wings are kind of a dead giveaway." Touya stated, obviously a bit more annoyed at Keigo than the last time they were near the entrance.

Keigo walked out from behind the trashcan and grinned sheepishly, an embarrassed blush showing on his face.

"Haha, you found me!" Keigo laughed nervously, wings doing that annoying flappy thing they did when he was nervous.

Todoroki raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Why were you following me?"

Keigo could feel his face heat up as he realized what he had been trying to do. "A-Apologize?"

Keigo cursed his voice for cracking, and that lilt in his voice that made his sentence sound like a question.

Todoroki still looked suspicious, but it was laced with confusion as well. "I should apologize to you? For what?"

Keigo immediately backtracked. "I-I didn't mean you should a-apologize, I m-meant that I wanted t-to apologize y-you!" he stuttered out.

"For what?" Todoroki smirked. So the bastard was enjoying  the fact that he was embarrassing him.

Rubbing his neck out of nervousness and habit, Keigo answered. "For stopping you earlier. It was uncharacteristic of me. Since we are classmates, I wish to have no grudges held against me. So, we good?"

"We're good." Todoroki answered, but his gaze still had that suspicious tone. "Why did you choose to apologize now? What prompted you to do it?"

"I just wanted there to be no hard feelings." Keigo said truthfully. To lighten the mood, he tried to joke. "Besides, I'm pretty sure the Number 2 Hero would kill me if I annoyed his son and didn't apologize." he laughed.

Those turquoise eyes hardened again, and the glare that was given to Keigo was so cold that it made shivers flicker over his body. Funny thing to say, given how Todoroki's quirk was a fire - type.

"I see." Todoroki said coldly, before turning and leaving. He left Keigo confused about the whole situation. What did he say or do that made Todoroki to become so cold to him?

Replaying the conversation, he went to the last thing he said before the other boy gave him the cold shoulder.

 "Besides, I'm pretty sure the Number 2 Hero would kill me if I annoyed his son and didn't apologize."

What was wrong with what he said? It was a joke after all, but did talking about Endeavor trigger something in Todoroki? Was there something about his past with Endeavor that he had indirectly brought up?

Keigo sighed. Those questions were none of his business, and he pretty much doubted them anyway. He still didn't know what he had done so wrong, but he was determined to make an effort the next day to apologize to the crimson - haired boy.

The next day he walked into his class again. Taking a seat, he looked at Todoroki again, going over exactly how he was going to apologize. He would trap him before they headed to the cafeteria for lunch and speak to him. That sounded good.

Gran Torino walked into the classroom and filled them in on the activities of the day, before another hero walked in for their math class.

After a few more classes, the bell rang for lunch. Keigo stood in front of Todoroki's table before he could head out, meaning that Todoroki was trapped until the last of the students filed out.

"What do you want that you kept me here?" Todoroki asked, obviously annoyed. "It's time for lunch, and we have training later. I and probably any other sane person, don't like doing tasks on an empty stomach."

"Why are you mad at me? What did I say to trigger you?" Keigo asked, eyes begging for an answer.

Todoroki sighed and looked away. "If I tell you will you leave me alone?"

Keigo nodded and Todoroki sighed again. "Don't think you have to act a special way around me just because Endeavor is my father. I don't like people thinking that I just got into U.A, or that they should act all nice and friendly to me because my dad is Endeavor."

Oh. Now Keigo sees what he did wrong.

"I'm sorry." Keigo apologized. "I never meant to make you uncomfortable."

Todoroki shook his head. "Can you stop apologizing? I know you didn't do it on purpose, but I just don't want people to underestimate me or my skills, because they think I get special treatment because of who my family is."

"I'm sorry." Keigo said again, before covering his mouth and looking away, embarrassed.

"Is that like, a reflex action for you or something?" Todoroki asked, smirking at Keigo. His turquoise eyes shone again, just like they did when Keigo had first seen him. They weren't the dull blue - gray that had given him such a sad feeling.

The sight made him smile. "I guess it is!" he exclaimed happily, before taking Todoroki's arm and lifting him from his chair, making sure to tuck the chair into the table after.

"Come on. Like you said, no one likes training on an empty stomach." Keigo said, before dragging Todoroki to the cafeteria.

"Nerd." Todoroki muttered under his breath, and Keigo heard it. He turned his head around to protest, but when he saw the smile on Todoroki's lips, the words vanished and he smiled as well, choosing to ignore the comment.

WORDS - 1075

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