Seriously dude, it's like looking at Luigi's Mansion but less haunted [...]

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Let me start of by saying I prefer buses to cars. For numerous reasons. Let me make you a list:

1. There won't ever be a silent moment;

2. There is always more people then you and the person you come with;

3. It's not rude to get your headphones on and ignore the world;

4. Did I say there's no such thing as silence?

5. No. Awkward. Silence

In a car however, if neither you nor the person driving / other passengers don't talk, it will get awkward.  This is the situation I'm in right now.

Let me paint you a better picture of this situation. Rob is currently driving me to his parent's house, and after 10 failed attempts to make small talk he shut up. Why where they failed attempts you ask? I absolutely refused to talk to him.

Yes, yes I am quite aware of the fact that I will have to pretend to be his girlfriend BUT if I can avoid small talk then I shall.

Oh look at me, talking all smart! That's what I get for actually paying attention in class.

"Are you seriously going to ignore for more 30 minutes?"


See what I mean? 11 attempts later and he still hasn't learned.

"How about we talk about our act?"

"There's nothing to talk about. Just follow my lead."

He raised an eyebrow at me "And what on Earth makes you the leader of this operation?"

Ohhhh I see what he's doing, trying to talk in the same page as me. That ain't working milkshake boy!

"My mother is a surgeon and my father works for the prime minister. I go to fancy events and  parties practically every week, and I have done an acting course. Any other questions?" I did a hair flip and winked at him.

Apply ice to burned area!

"So... there are no details I should know?"

"Nope." I said popping the "p"

"Are you sure?"

This milkshake boy is REALLY getting in my nerves.

"If there's something I require you to do, I will ask you."

"Okay then."

And the silence follows.

30 minutes and one more attempt later, we finally reach his parents house. Or shall I say mansion! Seriously dude, it's like looking at Luigi's Mansion but less haunted, less scary and well, real.

"Before we get out, there's a few thing I need you to do."

"Oh so now you talk?"

"Yes. Now listen, you open the car door for me, close it for me, hold my hand until we reach your parents' house and, if no one else does it, you close the house door for me capiche?" I said explaining it like it was the most normal thing in the world.

It sort of is really. Simple logic of love. Be a gentleman and all that sappy stuff. By the look he's giving me, he's clearly never watched any chick flicks.

"Hush little puppy. Just listen, watch and follow." I say cutting him off and clicking open his door. Relaxing back on my seat I take my phone and quickly change the cover. What was once a minion Iphone cover was now swapped with a more classic floral pattern, which included red roses and blue violets.

And in case you're asking yourself 'What outfit is amazing Junior wearing?' I'm wearing the outfit Ella picked for me yesterday.

He opened the door for me and extended me his hand, which I gratefully took. He closed the door and we walked hand-in-hand to his parents house. Oops, I mean mansion.

There was a small couple waiting for us at the entrance. They looked like one of those elderly couples you would find in a picture at tumblr. It was rather adorable to say the least.

"Oh hello." The woman said sweetly.

"Hey ma." Rob said and hugged her.

"What about your old man? Doesn't he get a hug?"

After a few moments of rather cute hugging they both turned to me.

"Who is this young lady?" His dad asked Rob, putting an arm around his shoulders.

"Pleasure to meet you both Ms and Mrs. Hathaway. My name is Justice, I'm Roberts girlfriend." I responded, shaking both their hands.

"Please call me Annie. And my husband is Patrick. I'm surprised Robert brought you with him, he never brings anyone home."

Interesting. I'm the first girl he ever brings here. Maybe he's smarter than I give him credit for.

"Come inside please!" That was his dad, by the way.

The interior was beautiful. Magnificent. There's no other way to describe it. Imagine all those fancy houses on the TV shows. No not the ones from 'Location Location Location', the ones which you just think 'I'm not sure even Obama can afford that!'That's more or less what the inside of this house looked like. The White House on Steroids basically.

"Wow Annie. I have no words. Your house is stunning!" I spun a little, as if taking the view in. I usually have to fake this reaction but this place is... is.

"Not has stunning as she is' Patrick said to his wife.

You know what I'm going to say. That was downright adorable. And sweet. And caring. Can they adopt me? Okay no, that was a bit extreme.

Not really.

"Oh stop it." Annie stated, placing a kiss on her husband cheek.

"Hey Justice, your things are in your room upstairs already, wanna come have a look?" Rob shouted from the top of the stairs, from which he had disappeared to a while ago.

I looked at his parents, as if asking for permission. His dad waved me off. When I started walking, his dad said "Just be back by dinner time!"


"How many clothes do you have in here? You know this is just a weekend right?"

"Rob, there's only 3 pairs of shoes, 3 different outfits, 1 pair of pyjamas, 1 swimming suit and 2 jackets!"

"That's a lot! Besides, you could walk around in your pj's for all I care."

"That's you, I'm not here to impress you am I?"

That seems to shut him up.

For the second time today, Apply ice to burned area.

It was nice of him to take my things up here. I never really asked him that.

"Kids! Dinner is ready!" His mom screamed from downstairs.

Oh God... Here we go...

WAIT! One second friend! All I wanted to say was... Dejavu.

Okay, now you can go.


Hello everyone,

here is your update. Your so deserved update!

I want to thank my good friend @khaleesi_prior for being a good fan and inspiring me to write. Check out her work.

Cya you beautiful space carrots and color full bananas.

Hugs, Kisses and obsess over silly nicknames?

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