Justice Jane Jaffrey or Junior as her friends call her.
She is your average teenage girl: Good grades, good behavior (most of the time), supporting friends (Ariellah Talyse Jadwin Campbell or Ella) and an annoying twin brother (Jack James Jaffrey...
"I still don't think this 100% safe Ell." I say apprehensively, looking Ella up and down. She frowns and looks back at the mirror.
"We've skyped a hundred times I know her aswell as I know you." She says throwing the dress she was holding on top of me and taking another one out of the closet. Her black and white room was littered with clothes and accessories and it reminded me of how my room had looked when I got ready for the weekend away with Rob.
"I'm just scared for you, but if you say it's fine who am I to judge. Just make sure if anything happens you call me." I say, knowing that arguing will get me nowhere. I glance at my phone as it lights up again, for the 10th time in the last hour.
After the little incident between Rob and Abi I left the party. I know it's stupid, we aren't exactly dating, but it hurt quite a lot and I couldnt help but feel everyone was staring at me, like they knew. It was very likely someone would have scene, afterall the party was packed and people always tend to wonder off so it was onyl a matter of time before the knews spread like wildfire. Anywyas, after I left the part without much explanation Rob started texting me non-stop.
"Dude pay attention, how do I look?" Ella twirls around, spanning me back to reality,taking me away from my dream world.
"Uh?" I say confused, blinking repeatedly. Ella tugs on her skirt and me shrug. "Whatever you want to wear, you look fine in everything." She wearing a skirt filled with flowers of various warm colours and a black top with an open back. She wore some sandals with the look and a black hat.
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"What if this date goes well, what do we do on the next one? It can't be repetitive otherwise, she'll get bored." Ella anxiously questions. I roll my eyes and take my phone off of vibrate and just out it fully silenced.
"You can bring your hipster polaroid and her can dress-up as the 5th doctor." I joke and Ella just gives me a hard stare, making me giggle. I begin to get up from my comfortable position in the purple beanbag and messily shoving things inside my backpack.
"The next time you do a tumble stereotype I'll hit you." She says very seriously and I just shake my head with a small smile. "Ready to go?"
"Always..." I shrug and grab her hand, leaving the comfort of the house behind. I finally texted Rob alocation to meet me.
I was sitting in the Starbucks chair, casually drinking whilst waiting for Rob to arrive. I had quickly changed clothes before coming so now I was wearing a white and orange floral kimono and a brown dress wih fringes. I was earing brown cowboy style boots and the earrings I had biught with my brother in Portobello Market.
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