Justice Jane Jaffrey or Junior as her friends call her.
She is your average teenage girl: Good grades, good behavior (most of the time), supporting friends (Ariellah Talyse Jadwin Campbell or Ella) and an annoying twin brother (Jack James Jaffrey...
"See this is why our relationship could never work for real!" Rob says on the phone.
Look who's talking! It's not like he's trying to make it work.
"You cheated on me, fake relationship or not!" I yell out in frustration, accidentally knocking over some pins I had on my desk.
"You followed me!" He says,equally as frustrated.
Milkshake boy ain't got nothing on me, I'm winning this trial!
"That doesn't mean you can just go around kissing people behind my back! Fake relationship or not it still hurts you know?" Sighing I crouch down and begin to pick up the pins I had previously dropped, rising up in a very lady-like fashion. Kinda like a stripper but I won't admit that to anyone.
"OhI didn't realise..."He says as if he just heard me confess my whole family is dead. "How about this, there's a firework display tonight we could go together."
WELL.... Alright, what's the worst that could happen? I can do this yes I can. Use the wise words of Shia Labeouf and Just Do It.
"Sure! Pick me up at 6?" I say trying to sound cheerful, although the nervousness is still very detectable, eve from the other side of the phone.
"Sounds good. I'll see you then Junior." He says hanging up.
"Yeah, see you then..." I say throwing my phone on the bed and falling face-first onto the same.
"Why do I keep getting myself into these situations?" I mumbled into the sheets but the only response I get is my stomachs demand food, to whichI respond with texting my brother to bring me something from outside and to get his ass home soon.
"I think you're going to freak out when you get there." My brother says through the phone. J.J quickly came home so we could eat the delicious Nando's he had brought and e helped me pick out something to wear. Sadly, he left saying his friends had texted him so they could have a get-together and play some video games or something. I honestly stopped paying attention after the 'there will be no girls there, it's a man's night out.' part.
He can keep his male fantasies to himself thank you very much.
"I'll be fine, it's been so long since the last time I've seen fireworks I'm sure I'll be fine." I say into the phone, glancing at the mirror and adjusting my shirt. J.J picked a purple thin jacket since by the time we would be leaving it would be super cold since this is, in fact, England. He also helped me pick a pink and blue flower shirt with some white ripped shorts with some pink faded in the sides and a cute purple diamond belt. I wore simple white vans and left my hair in its normal state simply brushing it back and keeping my makeup to a minimum.
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"Anything call me." He says and I start to hear voices in the background meaning he's at his friend's house.
"You're the last person I'm calling, I don't want to have the whole testosterone party come to my rescue thanks." I say sarcastically but with a small grin.