Justice Jane Jaffrey or Junior as her friends call her.
She is your average teenage girl: Good grades, good behavior (most of the time), supporting friends (Ariellah Talyse Jadwin Campbell or Ella) and an annoying twin brother (Jack James Jaffrey...
The weekend. Finally. Although for me it's been the weekend since Phoenix' funeral. What have I done this week you ask? I can sum it up.
1)Lots of crying.
2)Scrolling through Tumblr.
3)Looking at pictures of hot celebrities.
4)Watching BuzzFeed. A lot.
5)Listening to Troy Sivan and Melanie Martinez because they're gods.
My week has been , overall, extremely exciting as you can tell. And of crouse, there's the fact I sang the Nyan Cat song over and over again to my laptop while I crushed cookies. It's a very hard time I deal with it the way I can.
Ella asked me if she could spend the weekend over but my mum said no, claiming my dad was coming home and I should spend all the tie I could with him. As if. I know how the story goes, he's probably gonna ditch us.
Someone softly knocked on the door and I yelled at them to come in. My brother walked in looking somewhat grim like he carried bad news. I shifted from my spot and patted the bed for him to sit next to me.
"What news have you brought me from the kingdom?" I ask in my most posh voice.
"It appears the king is coming to visit the castle m'lady." He said holding up a book from my stand and reading it like they do in movies with letters.
"Oh but the kingdom isn't ready for such visit!" I hold my hand to my forehead in a dramatic matter.
"We must warn everybody! We have three hours and the king must not be kept waiting!" He gives me a smile and quickly pushes him off my bed.
"Warn the queen and the servants! I must get ready! Go my message go!" I push him out my room and look at my wardrobe, deciding on what to wear. I look around my room deciding that doing my bed first is a priority.
I quickly finished with organising my room and doing my basic hygiene and moved onto the clothes.
Organising my room she said. More like shoving everything that was on top of my bed into a chair in the corner of my room and hope my mum doesn't see it. The struggle is too real.
I put on a black shirt with pink sleeves and jean shorts that you can tie, sort of like a shoe. The laces for the shorts were pink like the shirt. I threw on a colourful scarf and put on black flats. I did my hair simple, just throwing it back and doing two small braids on the side. I topped with pink sunglasses and pink flower earrings. I added a silver bracelet with an arrow and winged my eyeliner. Ready I am.
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I quickly made my way downstairs as I did so I saw my brother who kneeled.
"The princess has arrived."
"Oh, no need for such formalities. Oh, the king!" I grabbed an invisible dress and ran down the stairs, doing a small twirl on the end.