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April 25th, 2017

Taylor woke up to a cold side of the bed, unlike how she fell asleep in Harry's warm embrace. Quickly getting dressed to go to school, she throws on some shorts she had left at his house when they were still dating and steals one of his shirts. The bathroom door suddenly opens to a wet, half-naked Harry covered in his towel walking out. She wanted to ask, more than ever, if he had forgiven her yet, but based on the look on his face, it seems like she wouldn't get the answer that she would have wanted.

Taylor got into the bathroom and did what she had to do before making her way downstairs to the kitchen, where Julianne was having her morning coffee.

"Hey dear," Harry's mom greeted her with a smile. It seems like she didn't know we broke up, Taylor thought to herself.

"Hi Mrs. Styles," Taylor replied softly.

"Do you want some oatmeal? I made some for myself and Harry; there's still some if you want." Julianne offered, and Taylor agreed, sit down to have breakfast with her before Harry quietly coming down to join them, all three eating in silence.

"It's time; let's go," Harry said bluntly as he stands up and grabs his bag.

"Thank you, Mrs. Styles. The oatmeal tasted amazing," Taylor said before standing up to follow Harry.

"It's my pleasure, dear. You can come over whe-" Julianne greeted Taylor but was cut short by Harry's loud call for Taylor to come.

"I should go; it's nice seeing you again," Taylor said before leaving. She entered the car to Harry's moody face, who quickly push on the accelerator to race to school.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asked when it was halfway to school, and Harry still seems utterly pissed off.

"Stay quiet, Taylor. I really don't want to burst out on you this early in the morning." Harry said as if all he wanted to reply was to scream at her.

"Say what you wanna say, Styles. Let's see how tough you are." Taylor replied. She's done with him treating her like the second choice. If they are going to try again, these moody, bipolar shit needs to stop. He can't just go from wanting and needing her to the ultimate state of lust to throwing her away like garbage the morning after.

"I fucking regret ever touching you. Is that enough? Waking up with you in my arms made me feel so fucking dirty. I'm sleeping next to a traitor, a liar, a fucking hypocrite, is that what you want to hear?" Harry said darkly, words cutting deep into Taylor's core.

"Are you still on that fucking kiss? Let me remind you that you had the nerves to fuck someone else when we were flirting. Don't go and pretend to be all this and that when you have fucked up too, even worse. I'm sorry I kissed him. I showed you how sorry I am, isn't that enough?" Taylor screamed back at Harry, anger in her eyes.

"Oh please, you seem like you were ready to suck his fucking face off. Would you have come home to me, kiss me, and make love to me like you normally word? Let's be real here; your hypocrite ass would have hidden it until Calvin's large mouth scream it everywhere around school about how he shoved his tongue down your throat." Harry groans back. If she was actually sorry for her actions, she would have never brought up my past mistake to justify for her own, Harry thought to himself.

"I didn't mean to kiss him! God, how many times do I have to tell you that!" Taylor screamed desperately, how much she wished she had some way to justify her actions, but she doesn't, not a single one.

"Just so you are clear, you kissed him while you were in a relationship. I might have fucked her, yes, we were not committed to each other, and you know that, but at least I showed you that I was sorry, Taylor. I asked for your forgiveness instead of rubbing the fact that we were not even in a relationship to get away with it." Harry growled, his face obviously red with anger, and it made Taylor felt guiltier than ever.

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