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January 10th, 2017

Harry came over to Taylor's house today. He knew that she already know about the one of the scheme that he had pulled. Fixing this one shouldn't be hard, right? One of the maids let him in and he sneak upstairs before Meryl sees him, she will beat his ass, for sure.

Taylor was in her bed, staring at her phone when Harry walked into her room.  Taylor has expected Meryl to come in but her face dropped when she saw who was actually at the door.

"Styles" she spoke up. Her voice were colder than the weather and it is currently snowing.

"Taylor, I'm-"

"Cut it, you're not, so save it."

"You know what?"

"What? You know what? You should get the fuck out of my house. Now." Taylor said. Her patients are running thin. How does he have the audacity to do what he did and still have the face to come into her room like nothing has happened.

"Listen, Taylor. I can do that but I won't. I did what I did, okay? But guess what? The fact that you're not hurting says that you don't love me." Harry said, staring deep into Taylor's soul.

"W-what do you mean?! Of course I love you!" Taylor defended. Even now, even after he did what he did, she still loves him. "What's wrong with me!" Taylor thought.

"You loved the sex, Taylor. The attention, the adoration I gave you but you don't love me. Fuck, you barely even know me!" Harry said and Taylor's face dropped. "Is that really true? Is that all I wanted?" Taylor thought to herself.

"So, we can all put this past us, Taylor. We can. We can get back to what we once were and then no one will get hurt. Your parents dealt with it, so everything's over." Harry explained. "He's manipulating me...is he? Maybe what he is saying is true" Taylor's thoughts is all messed up.

Harry knew he had won, just based on Taylor's face. The moment he opened his arms, she runs towards his embrace, just like every other time, he has her wrapped around his fingers, once again.

"Don't hurt me again" Taylor mumbled into Harry's chest.

"I won't, baby honey" Harry replied as he kissed down on her neck. "Let me show you how good I can make you feel," Harry whisper into her ear and all Taylor replied with was with a nod.

Kissing down her neck, sucking and biting, earning hisses out from Taylor's lips, Harry lift up her white tank top she has on and his hand went straight to her bare boobs, groping and toying.

"Your hand feels so good," Taylor moan as his rough hand squeeze her tit, the other entering her panties, entering her already wet core. A moan slip through Taylor's lips.

"Gosh you're so fucking wet already." Harry groan into her ear as he finger her right there, standing in the middle of her bedroom, him fully clothed with Taylor still have her panties on.

Harry's ring on his fingers sent cold touches on Taylor's clit, making her groan loudly. His fingers inside her curl and pushes in and out, forcing her thighs to close in pleasure. Harry smirk into her neck, continue to give her love bites all over the delicate skin.

Taylor's core start to tightening around Harry's finger, telling him she's about to cum. Harry turn Taylor's head and start kissing her deeply, entering his tongue into her mouth. Hard and slow, just how she likes it. His other hand went straight to her nipple, lightly twist and tug the pearl and just like magic, Taylor starts moaning loudly, cumming all over Harry's hand.

Sucking his fingers to savor her taste, Harry pushes Taylor down on the bed. He kisses down her thigh and slowly, make a trail of kisses down to her core. He lick a stripe up Taylor's slit, and her hands make their way towards his hair gripping it tightly, tugging every time he uses his tongue.

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