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September 6th, 2016

Taylor woke up with a throbbing headache, she vowed to herself she will never touch a drink again, but knowing she would probably break that vow in a month. Making her way to the bathroom facing the mirror, she noticed little red oval marks appearing on her neck.

"Fuck!" she cursed loudly, covering her mouth as she remembered the fact that her parents got home early this morning. Going in the shower, Taylor tried to wash last night off her body. As much as she wanted to deny it, she still feel his hands lingering on her body, squeezing her ass, feeling her up and Taylor would hate to say it but she enjoyed his touch like no other.

Kissing him was different than anyone Taylor has ever kissed. It was think feeling like she was a whole, like she was complete. Shaking the thought out of her head, Taylor exit the shower, wrapping a warm, cozy robe around her body. Fall is just around the corner and Taylor was never great with the cold, constantly freezing all the time.

Quickly, Taylor applies the concealer all over her neck, trying her best to cover the red spot but it wouldn't work. It is still visible, especially the mark near her jaw which is now purple. "At least it's not as visible" Taylor convince herself.

Applying a light coat of mascara to her lashes and a little blush and highlighter here and there, fixing her brows and applying a little bit of lipstick, Taylor exit the bathroom and enter her closet. Picking out an outfit that seems to please her hangover which is essentially a pair of leggings and a plain white, fitted long sleeves shirt. Taylor pops two pills of Advil and go downstairs with her things to get some breakfast and head to school.

She drove carefully to school, not wanting her headache to cause her a car accident. She arrived at school at a pretty decent time considered her state of wellbeing...5 minutes before class starts and she has English with....him.

Entering the classroom, the only spot left was next to Harry. Oh, how lucky she is today. Sitting down at the golden seat, she didn't dare to make eye contact with the curly-haired guy next to her, the level of awkwardness was too much for Taylor to handle.

"Nice hickey you got over there, wonder who they're from" Harry spoke up, giving Taylor his signature smirk.

"Harry, what happened last night was not what I wanted to happen. It did anyway and I regret it a lot. I hope we can stay strictly friends and nothing more. I'm sorry for everything that happened last night and I hope you don't get any wrong signals I accidentally sent while I was drunk." Taylor said. She was hoping to get a reaction from Harry but there was nothing.

"That's cool!" Harry answered with not an ounce of hurt. He can tell from the slight change of look from her eyes that she expected him to give her more than just two words and no expression. She was hoping he would be shocked by it like she was but he was not doing that. Hiding his thoughts, Harry's now even more excited to see what their relationship would become and he bet he's playing the right cards based on her reaction right now.

After class, there were suddenly a bunch of girls at Harry's locker, waiting for him, he was sure. Next to his locker on the left was Niall and everyone knows Niall is with Selena since dinosaurs were still alive and on his right was, luckily, Taylor's locker. Canceling out both sides of the equation, quite literally, it results to the girls are probably here to see him. As he walks towards them, giving them a charming smile and with that only, some of them were over the moon.

"Hello lovelies," He said sweetly to the girls. There were probably five or six of them here, crowding the whole space of his locker.

"We were just wondering if we could have your number, maybe hangout with all of us sometimes?" One spoke up. She was good-looking, can never compare to Taylor but she's quite nice. Brunette hair with a tint of red to it, make her look pretty fearless.

"Sometimes? I have all the time if the world for each and every one of you beautiful girls if you let me have a chance to go out with you. It would be an honor of mine to do so." Harry said, knowing exactly how to get his way into girls' heart. The girls were already handing him little pieces of paper with their names, number and their Instagram handle, wow, how 'thoughtful'.

Luckily he can use that to act like he was paying attention when they mentioned their name as if he wasn't looking at a furious Taylor, burning a hole through his body with her stare from Kendall's locker a few feet away. The bell rang and it was time for them to get back to class.

Taylor was pissed, very pissed. She knew she had no rights to be but how! How could he possibly do that to her! Not even 12 hours earlier he was groping her ass, shoving his tongue down her throat and now he's getting a bunch of hoe's numbers. Taylor didn't just say hoe because she was jealous...well, partly but those girls probably slept with most of the guys at school.

Thank God she told Selena and Kendall about everything that happened last night before she witnessed that terrifying scene. Taylor would've felt so much worse while telling it if she knew he would be a dick and go fuck around like that.

As she closes her locker, she saw his face, that smirk on his face that she both want to hate the fuck out of but every fiber in her body wants to kiss. She gave him the dirtiest glare she can and send a middle finger in his way. Harry, just to ruin her expectations once again, gave a little chuckle and sat down next to her.

"If you feel uncomfortable about me getting girls numbers, just say the word and those numbers will go in the bin. You know I only need your ten digits." Harry was smooth, he knew he was but Taylor didn't and now knowing how smooth he is, she couldn't help but feel warm inside. "No, Swift! DO NOT GIVE IN! HE IS FUCKING WITH YOU!" her subconscious said

"I don't give a fuck if you are fucking all six of them this very moment. Just stop doing it in public, it's disgusting" Taylor said, cringing at the thought. She would not be able to handle it if he actually fucks all of them, she knew. A part of her wants him to herself but she didn't know anything about him nor does she have time for a relationship. Taylor never had time to be in a relationship because school was always her priority and Harry entering her life will not change that fact.

"I think you do give a fuck, Swift. Say it, Taylor, you want me to yourselves, say the word and this problem would be over. What are you fussing about?" Harry replied with a challenging tone, knowing exactly how to press Taylor's button to his advantage. It was just then when Taylor lost it, completely losing it.

"I want you to stop flirting with those girls, okay? I want to be on your mind all the time like you are in mine, always wandering around, forcing me to think of you when I don't even fucking want to. I can't do anything, feel anything other than the need to have you and I want you to fee the same way, to have to think of me, to always want me! That's what I want, are you happy now?" Taylor said, raising her voice. She has had enough of his game. She can't eat, she can't sleep, she can't work or study or just live her life without wanting to have him.

Harry took that as a chance to kisses her, hard. He pushes her inside the janitor's closet and continues making out, kissing the life out of her. Taylor didn't hesitate to give back the passion of the kiss. It was like both of their lives depends on it. They couldn't breathe without sharing the same air, it seems like their last kiss but this is not even the beginning.

Hello beautiful people of Wattpad,

How did you feel about that chapter? Did it opened up a new love story? Definitely. Is it gonna be easy? Definitely not. Stay tuned for more and don't forget to comment and vote!


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