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November 12th, 2016

A Friday always fly by for Taylor. She barely have any class and all those are pretty laid back. She just finished Music class and walking out, she was surprised with a very happy and giggly Kendall and Selena. They pulled her to the middle of the school courtyard and there it was.

Harry Styles. Singing. For her?

Love story? That was a song she wrote a few weeks ago for one of her Music class assignment. "Did he remixed it?" She thought giggling. There were a few other students dancing, "how long did it take for him to plan this?" it was a funny dance, a whole bunch of people were doing it and suddenly there were a few girls bringing out a big sheet.

Winterfest? Baby just say yes?

Smiling widely with tears in her eyes, Taylor nodded and the crowd cheered. Harry looked like the happiest man alive as he lift her off her kiss and pull her into a kiss. Nothing feels better than this.

"You didn't have to do all of this just for me to go to the dance with you, you know? Just asking me and I would still say yes." Taylor said as they were walking hand in hand after decided to go to the parking lot together after the promposal.

"You deserve everything in the world, baby. Hell, you deserve even more than me but you idiotically decided to settle for me. Of course I would go out of the way for you, you're my baby girl." Harry said, squeezing her hands three times.

Taylor couldn't wipe the smile off her face when she came home. "Better start looking for a dress, better safe than sorry." she thought as she lay down on her stomach, opening her computer to start looking through design that she could then get it tailor-made.

The moment she found the one, Taylor quickly search for her phone. "Where is her number...FUCK!...wait, bingo!" Not wasting another second, she called Stella, the one and only, Stella McCartney.

"Hey Taylor!"

"Hi Stella, I was wondering, can you help me make a prom dress?"

"Sure, love. Do you have the design? I can tell my assistant to send you some to choose from our new collection, with alteration to your liking, of course." Stella said. She is a busy woman but with so many years of being friends with Elizabeth, she loves Taylor just as much as her daughters.

"Yes please! I am thinking a navy and white colour? Winter formal, you know?" Taylor giggled, she could talk to Stella for days but unfortunately, the two rarely ever have the time to do so.

"Sounds good, I will tell Sam to send you the design right away. Got to go, love. Bye, I love you!"

"Love you, too! Goodbye and thank you!" Taylor said as she hangs up. Opening her email, Sam just sent in the design. Scrolling through, they are all beautiful but one made her heart flutter.

It was a beautiful black and white gown that the black can easily be changed into a navy blue. The ruffle designs, the length, everything looks so beautiful and Taylor knows it would fit on her perfectly, accentuating  her small waist and the ruffle would make her chest look bigger. "This is perfect!" Taylor thought to herself as she reply back to Sam with her ideas.

December 2nd, 2016

Today is the day when Taylor gets to see her dress. Harry insisted on matching with her so they are both wearing navy blue and white. The two decided not to see each other's outfit until the day to keep the surprise element. The color will match perfectly since they both had samples of the shade of fabric.

Parking at Madison Avenue, Taylor step into Stella's New York flagship store where she said she would be in the back with Sam and Taylor's dress. Walking in, she was greeted by all the employees as one walk her to the private area of the store.

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