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"Dear Harry,

Before you say goodbye to me, to this chapter of your life, I just want to say...thank you. Thank you for helping me grow from a girl to a woman, to mature as a person, to be less naive and gullible.

Maybe we are soulmates like you said, maybe we are meant to part ways to grow to find each other later on in life. Or maybe we are just the soulmates who wasn't meant to be. Two star crossed lover.

I just want to say thank you for the happiest year of my life. You made me smile the hardest I have ever smiled, cried the hardest I have ever cried, felt the anger I never thought I could feel, all the emotions, all the passion, all for one person.

I know we will meet again. Because you promised. You promised to always keep your promises so you better keep those promises. I still want to grow old with you, with your little babies and a couple cats and dogs like you have drew out for us. I like the idea of us doing business with a huge dog beside us, it seems powerful. I want that; I want that with you.

If our fate doesn't want us to be together again, I would cherish all the time we spent together. I know that no one would take a bullet for me in a heartbeat like you, no one I would kill for like you, no one could ever love me as passionate as you, making my whole body feel like it is on fire like you. No one can make me feel alive like you.

So if you ever get this letter, lie to me again. Tell me you love me again, even if it was a lie. Don't tell me you just come to me at 2AM to fuck me because you want to, tell me you come to me at 2AM to make love to me because you missed me, because you love me. Because i love you. So much. So much words cannot explain.

I don't want to write too long because the longer it is, the more it feels like a goodbye letter. And we are not done yet. We never go out of style you said...or did we?

I love you to the moon and to Saturn,

p/s: hopefully one day in the future, TS would not mean Taylor Swift but Taylor Styles. I love you xx"

"Burn it," Taylor said coldly but under the moonlight, her eyes are glossed with tears.

"You sure?" Natasha asks softly. The fire beside her burning bright.

"It's just a memory now. Meaningless words that would cause more trouble than goods if found. I don't want the rivals to know about this past," Taylor blinks away her tears.

"You don't have to be strong with me, Tay," Natasha said, comforting her as Taylor let her tears fall down. Their love was on fire, he said, now it will be on fire forever, she will make sure of it.

Looking at the burning fire, it felt as if someone was stabbing at her heart. Taylor takes the bucket of water and puts out the fire. Without the red glow surrounding them, there was just Natasha and Taylor standing beside each other, looking at the box of things from her relationship with Harry Taylor was determine to burn to ashes.

"Come here you little viper," Natasha said while opening her arms to Taylor. Softly, she cries in Natasha's embrace. "Even the Viper and the Black Widow have some soft spot but you don't see me burning and ruining all my shit with Steve, do you?" She softly whispers as Taylor softly nod.

"It's just...I don't ever want anyone to use it against me. I'm supposed to be ruthless, emotionless, cruel, unbreakable. What if someone sees this? What if someone uses him to try to destroy me. Because you know damn well they can, especially if it's him," Taylor cries in Natasha's chest once again.

"Everyone has a weakness and this is yours, you can't take it away because then you wouldn't be the little baby honey I met when you were 19. What you can do is turn it into strength. Remember, he left for the both of you to grow, use that as a push to become a better person. You can hate him all you want but don't you ever hate yourself for loving him, that is not the Taylor I know," Natasha explains as she softly creases Taylor's hair.

Nodding softly, the pair make their way back inside their share house where Steve is already finishing dinner for the three to enjoy. Taylor knew the storm is just about to come...it hasn't even started yet. Yet.

Hello beautiful people of Wattpad,

Wow...that's the last chapter of apodyopsis, it's so surreal to think that I have started this book in 2019 in the Sofitel Hotel in Frankfurt, Germany while I was on summer vacation. Those nights I stayed awake until 4AM to plan for the book and wake up at 8AM to travel. I remember holding my 2014 11in Macbook Air on my lap in the hotel room to grind out some chapters before I publish apodyopsis, not expecting it to be how it is today, not expecting anyone to read it.

Thank you so much for all your support. Each and every one of you mean the world to me and I cannot express it enough. I am so grateful for the support and love I have received here, all the friends I have made, all the growth I have made as a writer.

apodyopsis Taylor and Harry is not going anywhere, you will still see the gang in gymnophoria which is out right now already. Go check it out because who can get enough of this version of Haylor?

Once again, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to be who I am here, to express myself and explore and be creative however I desire without any judgements. I love you so much.

Lots and lots and lots of love,

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