
459 28 88

May 27th, 2017

"Mom, I really don't want to go to this party," Taylor whine but Elizabeth just shakes her head. "I don't have a good feeling around this party."

"Taylor, as much as I also want to just stay home and watch Love, Actually, we have to go. It's not just a normal party, honey." Elizabeth said and the emphasis on the word normal told Taylor that the Swifts has to be there because the Styles will also be there and this is just one of their underground gathering.

"It's revealing..." Taylor hinted. It was a black dress with a corset-like top, sleeveless and a high slit through the side, showing off her gorgeous long legs. The dress fits her perfectly, hugging her where it needs to be and show off just enough skin.

"It's magnificent," Harry complimented her as he lean onto her door frame. They are slowly going back to normal, whatever that word means. Their parents seems to know that they are at a rough spot in their relationship, Taylor guess they believe the two are friends with benefits but at this point, they just act like acquaintance to each other.

"Thank you, can you help me zip up?" Taylor asks as she move her hair to the side, Harry was here last night too but just went home to get his suit which is now hanging on Taylor's closet's door. He move towards Taylor and help zipping up the back of her dress, not forgetting to give her a quick kiss on the next where the bruises he gave her are still scattering around.

"You should cover those up," Elizabeth smirked before walking out, leaving the pair alone in Taylor's bedroom.

"At least your mom doesn't hate me," Harry commented after Elizabeth leaves. Anderson made it clear that he does not approve Harry and Taylor's relationship statues, stating the it will just end badly because there's no fine line in the relationship. Both Taylor and Harry know that Anderson's right but none of them wanted to change anything, fear it would just result into a fight.

"My dad doesn't hate you either, don't sound like that," Taylor replied back. Harry just nod in return, his mind float to what would happen when he told Taylor he was leaving. The whole group knew but everything thinks its a good idea for Harry to tell Taylor himself because it's their relationship, none of them want to interfere.

"Baby, I know you don't want to be there tonight but we have to, okay?" Harry said softly kissing her neck. Taylor's eyes roll back as her head lean onto his shoulder, completely let herself go in his touch.

"I want you to fuck me," Taylor moan as Harry's hands cup her tits, squeezing through the corset.

"Baby you just got dressed," Harry chuckle at her neediness "you will have me all to yourself tonight, babe. We will make love all night long," Harry whisper hotly into her ear before giving it a soft bite, earning a moan from Taylor.

The party starts at 6 and Taylor and Harry is rushing to get to his house. The Styles has been decorating their mansion the whole day, prepping for the occasion. There are up to 200 guests, everyone in the most elite part of the underworld around the world, security are in place, just in case.

Everyone starts to come and Taylor and Harry were by each other's side the whole time, giggling and laughing. Elizabeth and Julianne were talking the whole night with Anderson and Desmond by their side, the sight of what it would like if the most powerful family link together with the marriage of Taylor and Harry which seems very likely by the sight of the lovebirds.

"Take a look at my girlfriend," Harry told one of his mates, Jeff who is a couple years older than Harry. "She's the only one I got." The smirk comes back to Harry's lips while Taylor giggles, digging her head into the crook of his neck.

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