Part 7 •His mate•

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Kageyama's P.O.V.

We were walking besides each other, not talking and it feels so awkward. Ive never felt like this even though when i was in middle school, i dont give a fck about those people, so why?

"Next time..."

I crushed the whole awkwardness by taking the first step. Hinata looked at me but i still kept on looking ahead.
"You should always stay with your mate, its dangerous for an omega like you to be left alone, you know?"

What am i even saying?
He questioned, looking at me with a surprised face. I just stopped then looked at him in the eye.
"Arent you mates with that beanpole?"

"Beanpole? Do you mean tsukishima?"

"Yeah, that guy, arent you his omega?"
I dont get why im getting irritated to the fact that that salt doesnt even give a shit about him when he is basically his alpha. I dont want this feeling, its so not me.
"Why did you say that he is my alpha?"

He questioned me, looked at me with a serious face and those brown eyes.
I dont want to tell him that i saw them kissing that other day when we were about to practice, i dont want to say that i feel like im getting to burst whenever i see them doing that.
"Because... arent you having tsukishima's pheromones around you like... EVERYTIME WE GO TO PRACTICE."

"For them, they wont know since they dont even know that you are an omega, except for tsukishima and me, but i literally SMELL that salt's pheromones around you, even now–"
I added then looked at him.
He just looked down, keeping silent then i looked around, this is where i will part ways with him.
I sighed then turned around away from him and started walking.

"You should stay close with your alpha from now on, dont even think about winning the competition if you dont even know how to protect that body of yours..."

I left him there standing, i still feel like punching someone in the face, This feeling, this range, for an alpha like me to be feeling like to a mere omega who has already a mate is just... not making me feel any good in any ways.

I got home safely, put my bag at the side then started undressing myself.
"Tobio, dinner will be done! Go down after youre done!"

My sister shouted from the first floor.

Once im done, i went down as instructed, ate with sis and then as usual, we fought for who is going to wash the dishes.
"Why are you releasing so many pheromones?"

She asked then leaned at the other side of the couch, we're watching a movie right now and we are both sitting at opposite sides of a big couch.
I sniffed, am i?

"Yeah, is your rut today? Better take a bath right now, your pheromones reeks!"
She swifted then covered her nose. I pouted then just didnt talk and quickly went to the shower room.
I looked at my self at the mirror then put my hand at my forehead. Its hot.

"Goddamn you pheromones."
I cursed, i mean cause why not? Why do i have to be in rut right now? Luckily i didnt passed out while playing.

I flinched, i remembered the time he called me with those smiling face and sweet voice.
I can also remember the time he started moaning as soon as i put it in... NO! KAGEYAMA TOBIO! DONT EVEN DARE REMEMBER THAT SCENE!

"You want me, am i right?"

Hinata started popping inside my mind, i cant stop the urge, im seeing things that shouldnt be seen by an alpha like me.
"Why? Dont you need me? Arent you in your rut?"

No, i dont need you! So stop coming infront of me and just leave me alone!

"An alpha needs an omega to lessen the rut, you cant just lessen your rut by taking a cold shower, aint i right?"

Goddamn you, why is it that when youre inside my mind, youre fucking smart? When youre just a pea brain tangerine that loves volleyball?!?
"Haha! Anyways, use me to-bi-o"

I swing my arm, im hallucinating, i need to take a shower or else...
"Use me!"

I dont want to hurt him again, i dont want to see those eyes looking at me as if he has seen a monster.
"USE ME!!"

I shouted, pinned him down at the floor then panted with heavy breaths, i can see him smirking as he gently touched my cheeks with his hands.

He chuckled and then started hugging me, i couldnt move but still kept on pinning him. My below part hurts because of my boxers, im getting soaked with sweat and im trying to stop myself from biting his neck.

"Use me like the time you did to me at the restroom... like a sex toy, you can cum as you want, use me as if im just an omega in heat just like you."

He whispered into my ears until i couldnt stop myself but hugged his small body, clenching my teeth to not bit his neck as i started undressing myself and removing my pants.
"Youre so hard right now, tobio-kun"

He said then started pressing it using his feet, i groaned as i took a deep breath and then spread his legs infront of me, seeing him so happy, those eyes, i dont want to hurt him.
"Kageyama stop it! It hurts! Please!"

Realization started kicking back at me as i pushed hinata away from me, i clenched onto my clothes then slowly started crawling into the tub and quickly opened the water.
"Why didnt you do it?"

He asked me, i looked at him then lifted my middle finger infront of him.
"The true hinata doesnt call me Tobio... he calls me... kage–"

My minds going blur as i started closing my eyes without even noticing it.

I dont want to see him getting hurt, not again and not forever. I swore to the gods above, if his alpha doesnt protect him then it will be me... Hinata.

"Hahaha, you changed for real, kageyama!"
The illusional hinata kissed kageyama's cheek as he heard an aggressive knock at the other side, he unlocked the door then he saw tobio's sister running towards kageyama as he smiled then faded away.

"I thought you'd atleast kiss me."

Rise of king Alpha「Kagehina Story」Where stories live. Discover now