The first sheep hunt

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Garito and Raven walk through the woods until they hear someone speak.

???: What are we going to do with this bitch?

When Garito and Raven heard this, they went in the direction of the voice and found 5 bandits around a girl who was covered in a brown hood.

mysterious girl: I'll kill you!

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mysterious girl: I'll kill you!

Bandit 1: Come on, we just enjoy a nice time and then we can all leave in peace.

Garito: You better run, otherwise I'll change my mind and massacre you all here.

The bandits turned to see Garito and Raven.

Bandit 1: Ha, You think we're afraid of you even though you're a Claw Hero you can't handle us all.

Bandit 1 ran to Garito and tried to slash his sword in the head, but he grabbed the sword and stabbed his claws deep into the bottom of his head, killing him instantly. The other Bandits watched in fear as their friend died in front of them and began to run away. Garito dropped the body and looked at Raven.

Garito: Kill all sheep, but let one live he will unknowingly lead us to their camp.

Raven just nodded and ran in the direction the cowards were running, and after a while he hear the cries of pain, fear and despair, that gave Garito a smile on his face, and when he looked at the mysterious girl she smiled sadistic too.

Garito: They won't bother you anymore, none of them will live by sunset.

mysterious girl: Why did you help me?

Garito: Because I want to destroy people like them, they don't deserve to breathe air like me. These are just sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

mysterious girl: I like your thinking, wouldn't you mind if I joined you in the bandit massacre?

Garito: I don't mind, what's your name?

mysterious girl: Cinder Fall

Garito: So welcome to sheep hunting.

Raven came with blood on her sword and a little on her cheek.

Raven: Master, it's done, I cut the last one to make it easier to track him.

Garito: Good job Raven I always knew I could count on you. (he came to her and wiped the blood from her cheek, Raven then turned to cover her face)

Raven: What will happen to her? (points at Cinder)

Garito: Cinder will join us in our hunt and when we're done then she goes where she wants. (to Cinder) When I think about it, what can you do?

Cinder: I can use fire.

Garito: It will be useful, so let's go track. (all three set off in the direction of the last living bandit)

After about 10 minutes of tracking down, Garito, Raven and Cinder found a camp with about 30 bandits and a couple of demi-humans in cages.

Garito: Cinder if you can, start a fire around the camp and light up all the tents. And Raven, kill every bandit that comes your way when you free the demi-humans, if they give up, then show them to me in the end. I'll take care of the leader. (Cinder and Raven nodded and went into action)

The bandits ran after them as soon as they saw them, but they were quickly dead by both of them. Garito slit and broke necks with his claws, and Raven cut off heads and limbs. Some even roared in pain as they burned, proving that Cinder was doing a good job too. In the middle of the camp stood a leader with a shield and a sword, next to him stood three wolves his companions.

bandit leader: Prepare to die!

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bandit leader: Prepare to die!

Garito: Bad last words. (pointing to the bandit leader) Kill him!

Bandit leader's wolves turned against him and began to eat him alive as he screamed in pain. Garito noticed that the leader had dropped his sword, he picked it up and inspected it.

Garito: Thanks for the farewell gift

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Garito: Thanks for the farewell gift. (When the leader finally died the wolves looked at Garito) You're free, go do what you want. (wolves howled briefly and fled)

Raven: Master, few did give up what to do with them? (Cinder extinguished her flames and joined Garito and Raven)

The last two bandits knelt in front of Garito. Garito looked at them.

Garito: Do you know what kind of creature waites for its own slaughter? (dramatic pause) Sheep. Sheep... (then he cut off the heads of both bandits with one blow with his new sword)

What Garito did put a smile on face not only on Cinder and Raven but also on a few demi-humans who are still there.

Garito: (to Raven) lets go, we're done here. (and they started leaving but Cinder stopped them)

Cinder: Wait I could go with you, I have nothing else I have no home or money at least I could help you.

Garito: Your experience was exceptional and I see you can kill without hesitation, so welcome to our party.

Cinder: (happy) Thanks so much, what's your name? I don't want to keep calling you Claw Hero.

Garito: Garito.


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