.⋅ ☾ ⋅. iii .⋅ ☾ ⋅.

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“Yes, sir. I can manage,”

“Aren’t you already doing too much work?”

Yeonjun stuttered for a moment at the reality being smacked right on his face. He had been trying, hoping that a few offers for an internship at the dance academy would welcome him. It was all in the form of animated pictures in front of him hanging on by a loose thread.

Rent, bills, food, tuition, necessities —

and now to add to that list, Taehyun .

Shaking his head, “I’m fine—”

“It’s okay, Choi. I’ll pay you extra for your diligence and hard work.” The manager cut him off, speaking in a fatherly tone.

Needless to say the said boy was taken aback at the sweet gesture of his manager, a small smile making its way to his lips. “Thank you so much, sir.”

A little sigh escaped his lips, “Boy, you really amaze me sometimes.” 

Yeonjun thanked him once again and went inside his room to find the young prince still asleep.

It had been two days since the intrusion and time since then felt unreal. That boy was curious about the tiniest little thing and the older boy would explain it to him, like a parent would explain to their child. Somewhere hidden in his eyes was this glint of innocence, dreams— big dreams.

His eyes would never lose focus when being explained to. Like this one time he explained to him the concept of a cell phone. His gaze would move with the movement of Yeonjun’s finger as it glided across the sensitive screen. His big curious eyes would look at each new thing as if it was the most precious jewel in the world.

But it was his own eyes that glimmered like jewels. Not even a mirror could bring justice to the beauty that was Kang Taehyun.

His expression looked so peaceful while he remained in his sweet slumber. Unlike how he read in books about the uptight, unforgiving royalty— Taehyun was certainly not one among them.

Though he was a little bummed out when he realized Yeonjun didn’t keep any plants at home. The boy immediately rushed out the door looking for a small plant to take care of. The pink haired boy caught up with him, “There’s only weeds here— let’s go in the morning.”

Hesitant in his footsteps, he agreed and Yeonjun let out a sigh of relief at finally returning back to his sweet home.

He made sure to pick out some of his older clothes which were too small for him and lend it to the blonde boy until his stay here— You need to blend in , he said.

Clad in the hoodie which was a bit oversized for his small frame, he looked into the mirror. It felt comfortable. Breathier and soft. “I don’t feel like I’m wearing a thing.“

“Welcome to the fashion of my time.” He’d smiled.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

It was almost afternoon. The duo had stayed up all night playing video games. Taehyun had thoroughly enjoyed the time. “I won a battle just by mere clicks of a button? I feel a bit bad—”

Yeonjun had laughed at that statement and continued to teach him how it was done. After what seemed like a minute— it was almost sunrise. Taehyun almost passed out on the couch but made it to the mattress before it reached a point where the pink haired boy had to carry him. The other boy was glad— okay maybe, he was still a little intimidated by his royal status though he was younger than him by age.

Well, technically he was from the past and way older but Yeonjun has lived more years than Taehyun making him older.

Being a good host — or at least in an attempt to be one, he went to prepare sandwiches and pancakes for a meal, not sure if it would be breakfast or lunch— as long as they got food in their bellies, it was okay.

The sweet aroma of the pancakes spread throughout the apartment and reached Taehyun’s nostrils, stirring him awake from his dreamland.

Following the smell with pressed footsteps, he was now standing in the kitchen with Yeonjun’s back facing him who was washing the dishes to set the table.

“It smells g—”

A shriek echoed in the apartment probably scaring away the birds perched up on the tree nearby. Yeonjun was now face to face with a wide eyed Taehyun shaken by the other’s sudden scream.

He ran his hands through his hair and let out a breath of relief, “You could’ve made some sound, you know?” he turned back to do the rest of the dishes and began setting up the table. Taehyun just followed him like a tail as he walked back and forth from the kitchen to the small coffee table.

Yeonjun side eyed the boy as he kept tracing his footsteps like a cat with his big eyes and a small smile etched on his face. So cute .

“You can have a seat, Your Highness.” he gestured as he finally placed the plate of sandwiches on the table.

He recoiled a little yet obliged and sat across from the other, digging into the food. “It tastes really good, hyung!” he smiled and took another bite of the pancake.

Yeonjun’s heart fluttered at the wholesomeness of it all. He couldn’t help but giggle at him before eating his own stack of pancakes.

“Your Highness, do you wish to go around the city today?” he asked before taking a big bite and sipping some water.

Taehyun gulped down before answering. “Stop addressing me in that manner and yes, I really hope to see this world of yours.”

“Why not? I thought everyone in the palace addressed you that way,” he was almost finished with his food, now purposely eating slow so he could match the pace with the other.

The latter set his fork aside for a second to answer him with full attention. “They do— and it irks me. I feel free here even though it’s only been a couple of days. If you keep it up, I might as well start calling you a commoner—”

Yeonjun raised his hands in defeat, “Alright, alright, I will not.” finishing up the remnants of his plate, he got up and put the dishes into the sink. “I’ll call you ‘Prince’. Is that fine?”

“Does it really make a difference?”

“Hey, ‘Prince’ can also be someone’s nickname,”

The said boy let out a small sigh knowing he wouldn’t give up so easily before straightening his back again, “I figure that’s acceptable.”

“Okay, Prince. Let’s get ready, shall we?” The pink haired boy giggled at his flustered face. His urge to boop his nose was driving him insane, but he held it in. For now .

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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