.⋅ ☾ ⋅. vi .⋅ ☾ ⋅.

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"So what you're saying is that there's a whole stranger living with you—"

"He's not a stranger. It's a prince— Kang Taehyun."

"Hyung, you don't even know him." Beomgyu pointed his fork at him before digging in back to his apple. "And for free?!"

"Beomgyu—" the older breathed, "he is from another time. He literally time traveled his way here."

Suddenly a crumpled paper flew across the room on their table. The smaller boy sighed before picking it up and placing it on his tray without checking what was written on it.

They tried to keep their voices low just in case anyone eavesdropped in their conversation in the cafeteria. Everyone knew how popular Beomgyu was and the girls would try to stalk him to gain ways to woo him. Too bad he was a proud gay.

"If that's the case did you even try researching about this whole prince you're talking about?" the black haired boy rose from his seat and emptied his tray into the trashcan before returning it back to the cafeteria lady and Yeonjun followed suit after swallowing down the remnants of his lunch.

"Let's go."


"The library, let's go there."

The younger would've sworn this was a joke if he didn't see the serious look in Yeonjun's eyes. "Hyung, are you seriously going to skip class?"

The said boy rolled his eyes and pulled the other by his arm making his way to the library. "Who said it's skipping class if we are still reading books."

A smirk appeared on Beomgyu's face and with a playful voice he asked, "Am I finally rubbing off on you, Jjunie-hyung?"

He chose to ignore this remark and went into the history section, "Besides, we're gonna read interesting books and not those sleeping spells."

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Hours passed and school was almost over. However the two boys were still seated in the library with stacks of books beside them. A loud sigh was heard followed by a stern look of the librarian. Yeonjun straightened his back and bowed down in apology.

"God, we're never finding him. Where the heck did he come from, Beomgyu?" he whisper-shouted at the boy who almost dozed off on the table, jerking him awake.

He didn't bother getting up from his position, too comfortable and the temperature was just perfect for a good nap. He mumbled, "I dunno, hyung. You should be knowing about your guest."

Mentally face-palming himself he got up from his seat, returning all the books they had checked.

Not a single mention of Kang Taehyun or Choi Soobin found in them. It frustrated him. He nudged the other boy awake again, "Wake up, idiot! At least help me place them properly again. It's almost time for my shift."

"Fine, fine" he said groggily and stood up rubbing his eyes. Yeonjun placed a pile of books in his hand, "Go." Beomgyu stuck out his tongue in annoyance but helped him nevertheless.

The thing is, he didn't really care about where he kept them. He found gaps on the shelves and stacked the books carelessly in them until a certain book caught his eye.

'Wishing upon a Moon'

An old theory book?

Confusion overtook him— this wouldn't be it, right?

He brought the book with him after returning all the books back. "Yeonjun, see this—"

"You brat, it's hyung to you—" he was just about to smack the younger's head but the latter pushed the book towards him. "The last one. I have a feeling this will help us."

The annoyance from earlier completely forgotten, the duo were now sitting at a table closest to the window at the older's workplace with coffee. "So, an old dumb theory no one believed in... it's for kids."

"Hyung, you were desperate enough to believe in something a child would believe in. Where do we go from there,"

"Okay, shush." he forcefully pushed the straw in his mouth to shut him up from saying it out loud. "I know. Let's continue."

Beomgyu giggled in response as he opened the midnight blue book.

Most of the contents seemed insignificant as his eyes skimmed the pages until his gaze fell upon a certain phrase:

" Contrary to superstition that wishing upon a star makes your wishes come true, certain events suggest that wishing upon the moon is much more effective. When two individuals wish upon the moon when its phase is similar on both ends of the world, a link is formed that ties the two lives together ."

Beomgyu's eyes shot up at Yeonjun who seemed as equally shocked as him. The coffee sat unfinished and forgotten— their focus was all on the dusty old book no one would have cared about and eyebrows were closed together in a frown as they read further.

" The link bridges the two and allows them an opportunity to fulfil the wishes of the other given that their hearts share the same longing for their desires. Once the bridge is formed, the desires of the heart will be fulfilled as fate has decided for them. In context to the moon phase assigned to each person upon birth, the individual with same birth moon phase as they wished upon shall have the power to physically travel between the rifts of time and space... "

Yeonjun's heart began racing as they kept reading. It didn't feel real at all. This dirty old book held so much treasure that the others had overlooked.

He tried and googled the name of the man behind these words but his identity was nowhere to be found. Perhaps the people of that time completely disregarded this theory as childish and immature— just like how Yeonjun had felt when he'd express his loneliness.

The train of thoughts took a turn towards Taehyun. He recollected the memories of when the blonde prince told that he'd wish upon the full moon each month just so he could experience freedom— experience life.

His curious gaze and a mind full of questions always wandered around finally relishing their moments outside the four walls of the palace. Yeonjun wanted to answer them- fill his heart with all the answers he desired and all the feelings he wished to experience.

He wanted to see the glow on his face when he figured out something different from his own world and his.

If his smiles were little blossoms, he wanted to see them bloom in full glory.

Beomgyu interrupted his chain of thoughts. "Hyung, read this," he pointed to another page:

"However, there is a time limit as the bridge will be severed upon the next occurrence of said moon phase ..."

His heart dropped.

Even before the buds of Yeonjun's happiness could grow bigger let alone bloom, they were at the verge of wilting.

The younger boy sensed the sudden shift in mood and immediately moved his chair closer, their knees touching. "Hyung, this is just a dumb theory made by someone insignificant. Don't worry too much about this, hmm?"

He cupped the older's cheeks, squishing them and pressed his thumb across the latter's frown. "It's gonna be all fine."

As if a part of his tenseness was shared by that touch, Yeonjun felt a little lighter, giving him a small smile in response.

Beomgyu finally let go after a few moments returning back to his position. "Now, let's meet this guy who has you so whipped."

"Oh no, you don't." he playfully smacked the book on the younger's head who got ready to leave. Beomgyu gave him a pout in response, massaging the area where he was hit. "I still have a shift to finish."

"What do I have to do with your shift?"

The older sighed, "Let's just meet at seven. I don't want Taehyun to freak out when he sees you,"

It was Beomgyu's turn to smack Yeonjun on the head before he exited the cafe, enjoying the older's whine of pain.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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