.⋅ ☾ ⋅. fin .⋅ ☾ ⋅.

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The morning sunlight poured through the room filling the space with a beautiful golden glow.

In the midst of the mess, slept a pink haired boy in the comfort of his blankets and pillows.

A loud knock on his door stirred him awake from his sleep. Rolling off his bed lazily, he walked up to his door and opened it, not bothered to fix his hair, revealing a shorter dark haired boy.

“I knew you’d be sleeping!” He smacked him with a book on his messy head. “We have a test! You need to help me pass this.”

His loud voice was enough to wake anyone up from the deepest of sleep.

“Beomgyu, it is six in the morning. Spare me.” he yawned as he walked into the washroom.

Finally washing up and fresh, he walked to the coffee table where the other boy sat waiting for him busy looking at the instant camera that laid on the table carelessly.

“How did this get here?”

“Hmm?” the other boy looked at him.

Yeonjun tilted his head in confusion with a small pout. “I remember I put it in my closet. What is it doing outside?”

He gave Beomgyu a look causing him to raise both hands defensively. “Hey, I just came in. I didn’t even know you owned a film camera.”

Yeonjun took a seat beside the other boy, an odd feeling settling in his chest— like he was forgetting something; he couldn’t remember it.

“Do you have the films?”

“They should be there in it.” he said, still lost in thought.

Beomgyu extended the camera back to him. “It’s empty, hyung.”


Yeonjun took the camera from his hands to check it himself. They were indeed empty. How is it possible, I was sure I had put in a new reel a while ago.”

“Hyung, you’re going old. Please stop stressing over school sometime and go party. Your hair might turn gray anytime soon.”

“Shut up, Gyu.” he retorted.

The said boy just snickered in response, stretching his arms as the morning breeze brushed past them, accidentally knocking off the small vase of dandelion off the window sill. Thankfully, his reflexes were quick enough to save it from a nasty crash.

Along with the vase, a few pictures fell on top of his head, and one landing on the table. Yeonjun got up in haste, collecting all the pictures from the floor and looked at them, perplexed.

A picture of the woods.

A picture of his video games lying carelessly on the floor, wires all over the place.

And the last picture was of the dandelion, taken exactly with the sun barely rising and the stars still visible; taken during the blue hour— the vibrancy of the blue, orange and yellow drew him in.

“— as much as I hate to admit it, that’s a beautiful picture, hyung.”

Letting out a nervous laughter, he murmured a small ‘yeah’ unable to remember when and where he had taken the picture. He turned the photograph over to find a few words scribbled in a neat handwriting over in a language he recognized was Japanese.


A ghost of a smile appeared on Yeonjun's lips subconsciously and silently pocketed the polaroids in his jeans.

"Did someone leave you a love letter?"

"I'm not sure, Gyu. I don't understand Japanese. Let's focus on Korean History first— you are topping the class or no more staying in my house and no more video games."

"Oh, come on, hyung!"

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

At the other side of the world, in a different universe stood two men in the royal chambers within the palace.

The guards stood vigilant, ready to signal in case the Queen came within eye’s reach.

A large basin sat in the center of the room and in front of them hung a long mirror that reflected their respective above their heads with a radiant glow.

A mirror just above it reflected the image into the basin of water which now showed the image of a certain pink haired boy who seemed to be talking to his friend with a bright smile on his face who looked at him with equal admiration.

“He looks happy, doesn’t he?”

“They do.” The taller man brought the blond male’s head closer to his chest with a small sigh. “I believe you should allow your heart to receive love too.”

He hummed nodding slightly against the older’s frame. “I think I will. Just a little more,”

Soobin wondered if he could also hear the rampant beating of his heart. “I will wait for an eternity if that’s what it takes.”

Taehyun chuckled and continued to look at the images illuminated by their lunar-bridge.

He may not remember him like a forgotten dream. He didn’t care as long as he found his place, his home in the confines of the hearts of the people around him.

He could rest assured nothing bad would befall him. That was all he needed.

Perhaps, that was love— sacrifices made to see the one who owns your heart, safe and sound. Happiness assured for them even when you are far away.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

It's been such a joy yet at the same time stressful for me to write this. There were so many things that happened in the midst of the development of Unroyal. I never expected I would reach the end, but I finally did it!

special thanks to my close friends (isma, aria, magi, jaz, fel, faith, mila) on twt for constantly sending me motivation and love about my writing and to never let me falter. This fic wouldn't have seen the light of the day if it weren't for them so thank you so much! ♡

Comments and votes are deeply appreciates since they keep me going ( ●ω●)♡

follow me on twt @ ggukslaugh and send ur opinions on cc @ mabuchigyuu

oh and the Japanese means "the moon tonight is beautiful, isn't it?"

it was used in Japan to confess their love in the olden times bc they were much more reserved which is what taehyun did heh

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