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Last week:

Now, he looked at the dandelion that sat in full bloom on the bench of the park Yeonjun had come to wish in.

The puff of bright yellow, showing off its glory to everyone who set their eyes on it. And against the night background, it stood out even more and sitting across it was his own puff of blond hair — his dandelion, whose eyes moved with each movement of the dandelion in its dance with the wind.

Unaware of his own actions, he absentmindedly played a song from his phone, letting the song take control over his body automatically swaying to the slow beat.

Moon river, wider than a mile

I'm crossing you in style someday

Taehyun's head perched up when the sound reached his ears. Yeonjun walked towards him, extending him a hand in invitation.

Oh, dream maker, you heartbreaker

Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way

Smiling, Taehyun took his hand and walked him right beside the fountain under the dim light of the starry sky, looking at the other boy intently.

There was something hypnotizing about the way the pink male's body moved on its own accord to the music, right on beat. Music ran through his veins like blood.

Two drifters, off to see the world

There's such a lot of world to see

The words from the song hit a little too close to home but the both of them decided not to comment on it — just enjoying the company of each other as they swayed holding each other in their arms.

We're all after the same rainbow's end

Waiting, round the bend

Hands wrapped around each other, they moved in sync with the music letting the music guide them through the pace and the taller male pulled him closer by his waist, chest to chest, looking right into his bright orbs.

Not realizing he had tears in his eyes until they rolled down his cheek, Yeonjun's eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise before wiping them with the back of his sleeve.

Taehyun looked on and cupped his cheeks, wiping away the tears with the gentle touch of his thumb sparing him from the question that bubbled in his chest.

Yeonjun leaned onto his touch, placing his own hand over Taehyun's. He pulled away for a few seconds, placing a small kiss on the inside of his hands, inhaling in his scent.

The smaller male smiled looking down, a hint of pink dusting his cheeks.

Their hearts held a lot more than the words could express in the prison of their chest but somehow found their way out in the most minuscule of actions.

As the song came to an end, they let go of each other, unwillingly so. The doubts they carried didn't allow them to go their own way.

The prince looked into the fountain under the new moon, no reflection of it. Just the stars scattered like little pearls over the layer of pennies in the bottom on the cold tiles. He put his hand into the water feeling the heavy metal come in contact with his skin.

The reason why Taehyun was able to come here.

Yeonjun just looked at him in awe, letting him explore the place on his own.

Picking up a sole penny from it, she showed it to the older male, which gleamed under the dim neon lights of the park. "It looks pretty,"

Tossing the coin back into the place it came from, they returned back home— their hearts containing little bits and pieces of each other unbeknownst to them.

Though their shoulders bumped into one another as they walked, it still felt too far. The desire to share the warmth of their hands from the harsh cold was strong, yet no one took the first step, walking home in an awkward silence surrounded with a tension thick in the air.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Back to Present:

"What the hell?!" A scream echoed in the apartment, jerking awake the prince who had been sleeping peacefully in the bedroom. He quickly ran outside to see why Yeonjun had screamed only for his own breath to stop at the sight.

There he stood, tall and intimidatingly so —

Prince Choi Soobin.

"What are you doing here?" the two men of royalty spoke up at the same time and in between them stood a horrified Yeonjun, looking at them with his jaw dropped on the floor.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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