.⋅ ☾ ⋅. xii .⋅ ☾ ⋅.

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The taxi finally came to halt in front of a large set of stone steps. Paying the driver, Yeonjun guided the prince towards the stairs. "I thought I would show this to you later but I guess there's no time for that." his voice solemn that sent a twinge of pain to the other's heart; he didn't wanna leave.

But he didn't wish to ruin the mood so he didn't say anything.

As they walked ahead, the stairs led to a path set in stone. All around him were trees and vines with little shrubs with flowers decorating the forest floor. The chirping of the birds resonated throughout the area, the quietness around them magnifying it.

Yeonjun grabbed his hand with his and walked off the path, directly into the forest, startling Taehyun.

"Don't worry. I come here a lot." the former reassured, confidently pulling him deeper into the forest.

With each footstep on the forest floor, the leaves beneath them rustled and that coupled with the song of the birds created a beautiful harmony that almost reminded Taehyun of his own home.

A bunch of willow trees came into view and that was exactly where Yeonjun took him.

Moving the branches from the view, they reached a clearing, still green but much more wide and open. The willow trees surrounded them in a semi circle and a small patch of flowers sat right in the middle of it all, basking in the evening sunlight.

Taehyun's eyes widened in awe, bedazzled by the beauty of it all.

Small flowers scattered around the small space like little stars in the sky, swayed gently in the breeze, glowing golden. Random butterflies fluttered past from the sides- it seemed like a fairytale.

No matter how long he looked, he couldn't grasp the beauty of the small garden in the midst of a dense forest in his little heart. He wanted to look at every inch and be enveloped in the golden glory.

"Like it?" Yeonjun bent towards him from behind with a giddy smile plastered on his face.

Taehyun nodded with his mouth wide open in shock. Yeonjun giggled and pushed his chin up to close it, snapping Taehyun back to reality.

"I love it. Hyung, how did you even find this place?"

"Got lucky," he replied, bringing him to the center where the sunlight shone radiantly over him. He got lucky in meeting him too, but he kept it to himself. "It's a secret."

The younger boy let out a small whine causing the older to chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"Go explore if you'd like." he gestured to the space and the said boy didn't hesitate and rushed to the flowers immediately.

His skin glowed oh so beautifully under the warm light of the sun. His already golden hair became more radiant, almost luminescent like an angel had appeared before him

There was no way he was real. He couldn't be.

But the moment a soft hand came in contact with his cheek he was drawn back to reality. His love stood before him with a radiant smile on his face. His resolve to keep his distance from the other kept crumbling as he leaned into the warmth of his palm.

A split second later, he pulled his hand back, looking anywhere but him, his cheeks flushed.

The two of them sat down on the cool grass ignoring the awkward silence that had settled between them like fine sand in small cracks, enjoying the last few moments of the sun before heading back home.

Hanging their jackets back on the hanger, Yeonjun asked, "Hungry?"

"Not really..."

The male nodded in acknowledgement, yet sat across him with a few snacks at hand. "Just in case I get hungry." he said.

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