.⋅ ☾ ⋅. vii .⋅ ☾ ⋅.

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Still no call from Yeonjun— perhaps, he had forgotten to text him. Beomgyu decided he would just trod on his own after being betrayed by his own friend over a new boy.

The walk was relatively short and he found himself knocking his door with a bag of snacks in his grasp. "Come on, hyung."

No response.

The boy tried knocking again, yet there was no response. Maybe he wasn't home yet. Right when he turned back to leave, a bold voice caught him off guard. "I've been told not to allow anyone inside unless the owner of this house returns."

Beomgyu turned back to face the closed door, "But I am his friend. Please let me in,"

"I apologize. I can't."

"All you have to do is unlock and open the door."

"Are you Yeonjun-hyung?"


"Then I can't open it."

Beomgyu cursed internally, less at the stubbornness of the boy and more that the fact that Yeonjun didn't tell him he was coming. He stood there for a few moments before speaking up again, "Hey, my legs hurt. Please open up."

"A weakling."

Beomgyu's jaw dropped at the disrespect. And it was a stranger! How rude— but before he could retort, a hand found its way on his shoulder turning him around.

Upon finding the culprit he was looking for he streamed out his frustration in long sentences. "How dare you not tell him about your dearest friend of so long let alone not mention I was visiting tonight. He wouldn't open up for so long and came here all the way from my apartment, to the store to get snacks and here just because you asked me to and I get treated this way. I cannot take this disresp—"

Yeonjun pressed his hand against the other's mouth to shut his loud mouth. "If you don't shut up, Choi, it will be my mouth next."

His big eyes widened even more at his words and pulled out of the elder's grasp. "Eww, gross. Take your flirting somewhere else. I know I am attractive." But his ears were turning red.

He averted his eyes away from the elder to the door. "Ask him to open. He wouldn't budge unless it was the 'owner' of the house."

The pink haired boy was clearly amused at the reactions of the boy before him. Chuckling lightly, he knocked on the door. "Taehyun, it's me."

Instantly recognizing his voice the door opened up welcoming him inside, greeted with a warm smile. 'There was an intruder just a few—" his words cut off the moment he realized the presence of a new individual in the room.

His first instinct was to hide behind the elder's shoulder, peeking at the newcomer. "You!"

Beomgyu rolled his eyes, "I am his best friend, his one and only. Didn't he mention it,"


The one word reply made him scream in frustration but his voice still remained a little low, cautious of the prince in the room. "Yah, Choi Yeonjun, tell him about me at least now!"

The said boy was clearly amused at the first meeting between the other two boys. It would be an interesting sight to watch these two. He could feel it.

"This is Choi Beomgyu, my one and only friend." quoting him from before he continued. "And it's okay if you let him into the house."

Yeonjun pushed Taehyun forward by the shoulders towards the other who still seemed skeptical of him. "Come on, he's a nice guy, I promise."

Holding out his hand for a handshake, Beomgyu gave Yeonjun a look when the blond boy just stared at him as if scrutinizing him. Honestly, it was creeping the hell out of the black haired boy.

It almost felt like waiting for a baby to repeat its first words, eyes full of intent.

Embarrassment rushed to his cheeks when his hand was left in the air with no response and was about to retract his hand. Right at that moment, Taehyun mimicked the other's action and raised his hand — the same side as his.

A light chuckle left the older duo's lips and the pink haired boy just sandwiched his hands between his own. "This is going to be fun."

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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