.⋅ ☾ ⋅. xiii .⋅ ☾ ⋅.

667 61 3

“Just sleep here, hyung.”


“Why not?”

Embarrassed, he rubbed the nape of his neck. “I—”

“Come here,”

Taehyun sat on the edge of the mattress, his arms wide open. Yeonjun’s eyes widened at the sight, his heart ready to jump out of its chest any given second. Was he really asking for a hug right now?

Despite Yeonjun’s obvious hesitation, Taehyun doesn’t let his arms fall, waiting for Yeonjun to come closer.

He said he’d leave without regrets; he was doing it now. He knew Soobin knew about it all, he could sense it. But he also knew Soobin was setting himself aside on purpose, just so he could cherish his last moments with the elder and he appreciated it. He would be sure to tell him that once they get back.

He was indeed too perfect of a man to exist.

“My arms feel like they’re about to fall off.” the younger one egged on, whining. “Come on, now.”

Yeonjun felt his body betraying him as they walked to the other involuntarily wrapping his long arms around his small frame.

It wasn’t until he felt the other boy shake in the envelope of his arms did he realize that he was sobbing— his own cheeks wet. He let his frustration pour over him just as the reality of the separation smacked him in the face despite being ready for it all day long.

All day long, they knew they had to face this but kept brushing it off to not ruin the moment. He wanted to curse at the stupid fate that had decided all this, the creator of it all. Why did it have to end like this?

Only if there was something magical that would allow them to be there for a longer time. Their hearts ached as the seconds progressed into minutes and minutes into hours in each other’s embrace.

None of them wanted to let go of each other, lest he’d suddenly disappear from his sight into thin air. Yeonjun didn’t think he could handle that.

He pulled Taehyun over on his lap with a hand that sat on the small of his back, supporting him and the other hand gently stroked his soft pale skin, brushing away the stray tear there away from his face. “You look so beautiful, you know?”

“I have been told so,” he breathed, leaning his forehead against the pink haired boy’s, his breath fanning lightly over his lips.

Hesitation was evident in his actions. So close, yet so far. Yeonjun didn’t dare move a finger in case he fucked up, he couldn’t lose the bare minimum he had.

Their breathing uneven and hearts heavy in their chests, he could feel Taehyun’s eyebrows furrow into a frown followed by a choked sob. At least, he knew that when he’d return, he’d be in good hands, that were Soobin’s — it helped him in consoling his own self. He wouldn’t hurt him no matter what.

The sound of the sob made his soul rip apart. He couldn’t bear seeing him that way, he cupped his cheeks in the palm of his hands. His heart pounded hard against his chest, deafening him — anything Taehyun said, he couldn’t hear.

It was until a pair of warm lips touched his own into a chaste kiss, taking him by surprise with eyes wide open.

A million thoughts rushed to his mind in a second but everything seemed hazy as they clashed together in a wrecked havoc caused by the soft lips that moved against his own.

He forgot how to breathe, how to move.

Once the first tear drops from his eyes, it doesn’t stop. He finally kisses him back with equal fervor. His hands roam on his back while Taehyun’s fingers tangled up in the long pink locks on the back of the elder’s head.

It felt so wrong yet so right. Just for today, he let himself be selfish.

No words spoken; all their emotions poured in the language of their kiss, mixed with the salty stream of tears that didn’t seem to stop.

All of Taehyun’s life, he waited for someone to take him out of his shell and to the world.

All of Yeonjun’s life, he wished he could get the sense of being home which he was deprived of despite growing up with his family around him.

Who knew that day, the childishness of wishing upon the moon would bring him to such a beautiful dream.

This beautiful man that stood before him, that came in like a storm and leaving with his heart for the same reason. His lips trembled, unable to utter a single word.

In the time between the full moon till it disappeared to a new moon, they had become each other’s single seed of a dandelion unbeknownst to the other.

Maybe that was how fate worked. Fate wasn’t kind, but it wasn’t ruthless either. It has its ways of dealing with life and this was one of them.

It just came in the form of a boy who had everything and a boy who had nothing and ended with both of them finding harmony in their lives.

Just two innocent boys who now left with a heavy sense of obligation to the ones who remained by their side.

The two finally broke apart, panting for breath. No words were exchanged. Nothing but the sound of their breaths and the ringing of their hearts resonated in the room; it was louder and more vivid than words could ever.

Just like that, the both of them slipped into the world of utopia where they could be together without a care.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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