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The puffy bud now sat in its pot, soaking in the sunlight— the bright yellow peeking out as the rays poured into the room through the single window.

Yeonjun laid on the couch— more like hanging off of it still deep in sleep. That was until his alarm blared off. He almost fell on the floor headfirst, thankful his pillow cushioned his fall.

“Oh, you are awakened?”

Yeonjun followed the source of the voice from his place on the cold floor, looking at an upside down Taehyun staring at him with an expression he couldn’t decipher then moved back up to the kitchen counter carefully placing tomatoes on the slice of bread.

The boy finally sat up straight and rubbed the sleep off his eyes, looked at the prince properly this time. He realized he was still wearing his hoodie, this one too, a little too big for him so the sleeves kept slipping past his wrist as he made his sandwich.

The older male bit his lip to hold back the laughter endeared by the boy. He got off the floor, leaving the blanket there carelessly to get a better view of the blonde, who was visibly struggling because of the sleeves.

He crossed his hands over his chest, watching him in amusement. He had a tongue stuck out in concentration as he took the lettuce and placed it on the already stacked slice of bread— only for it to fall off because of his sleeves.

“Goodness gracious!” he said in frustration. 

A loud chuckle passed past Yeonjun’s lips, not being able to hold it in anymore. The whole scene was just too— too cute. He finally uncrossed his arms and came closer to the frustrated boy, held one of his hands in his holding it high then proceeded to roll his sleeves. “Why didn’t you just wear one of the clothes we bought the other day?”

“I— umh,” the boy looked a little flustered. “I liked the feel of your clothes… a little more. I’ll change soon, I promise.”

His body froze for a moment as his mind registered what he’d said. In that moment, Yeonjun felt an unfamiliar warmth spread inside his chest as his heart raced a beat faster.

‘ Choi Yeonjun, stop, ’ he steadied himself and warned his loud heart, continuing his action from before. “It’s okay. You can wear them if you feel comfortable in it.”

Or was it the fact that Yeonjun liked seeing him in it. Taehyun nodded.

“There,” Letting out another giggle, he was finally done with both sleeves. He suppressed his urge to ruffle the other’s messy bed hair; he had probably been used to the maids doing it for him. His eyes moved back to the sandwich under construction before he lost focus once again, “Why didn’t you just wake me up if you wanted to eat?”

“I’ve been up for a while now. The royal palace requires everyone to wake up as the sun rises.” he spoke up as he prepared his food more comfortably than a minute ago. Yeonjun joined him by taking another slice of bread and placing the vegetables on it. When he didn’t say anything, Taehyun continued, “I saw you make these the other day. I wished to try it out once too.”

“Ah, I see,” he nodded quietly, almost done with his own sandwich and placed it on the other’s plate. “Go eat. I’ll wash up and be right back.”

He gave him a warm smile before quickly walking into the bathroom and locking it.

He leaned against the cold wall, letting out a sigh— reality once again crashing down on him. The cool tiles bring him back to reality away from the thoughts of the prince who was now starting to cloud his thoughts.

What was he doing? Why was he thinking this way? Taehyun was simply tagging along with him everywhere he went. All he did was ask questions with his big doe eyes. They sparkled with curiosity at every new thing he found.

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